Anticipated albums of 2004?

Symphony X
Into Eternity
Nevermore (hopefully)

And not iced earth because i dloaded it, and it sucks big ones... only one or two good songs on the whole thing
Connauch said:
Personally, Ayreon-The Human Equation is my top choice. Some of the best singers out there are on this one (Devon Graves, James LaBrie, Devin Towsend, Opeth dude, etc) and nearly every project Arjen Luccassen has touched has been really great sounding to me (not a big fan of actual fantasy though).
Same here!

New Vanden Plas, Symphnony X (of course), and hopefully a new Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray. They're both due.

Also looking forward to hearing the new Iced Earth with Ripper, even though I've never heard any of their previous stuff.
Symphony X
Pain of Salvation
Iced Earth

When is Decapitated's new album expected out? That one should kick ass, considering they keep getting better with each release and Nihility was already amazing.
Connauch said:
Seeing as how 2003 is now behind us, and 2004 has just started, what are you most looking forward to coming out this year?
The first ones that pop into my head:
Jag F**king Panzer
Into Eternity
Solitude Aeturnus (Doooooooooom!)
Tantric (yeah, yeah. I like those guys. So sue me. :loco: )

Oh, and maybe something new by some sucky Jersey band called Symphony X. :grin:

What about the new Blind Guardian DVD? Is no one excited about seeing And Then There Was Silence live whenever you want to? I know it will be an awesome DVD, even though the crowd banter will be in german....oh, well....I also am eagerly awaiting the new SymX, Ayreon, Rhapsody, and Iced Earth. I am eagerly awaiting the new Iced Earth DVD of next year as well...How about Kamelot or Dream Evil? Aren't they right in the middle of recording...I want to hear them!!
Demonspell said:
Yes, Garm has kept himself busy by releasing EPs and soundtracks while recording the full-length...and shame on me for neglecting to include Zero Hour and Vintersorg...
Lol.....there are just so many to look forward to that it is hard to remember them all!
Dream Evil
Children Of Bodom, though it's only an ep
Primal Fear
And hopefully Symphony X

There are probably a lot more, I just can't remember them all :rolleyes: