Antimatter 3 +++Studio Report+++

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
About 10 am I had a ham sandwich on white bread with lettuce and mayo, and a packet of ready salted crisps.

Then at around 3pm I fitted in the same again, except cheese and onion crisps.

Ronnie made some tea at around 4, which was nice, so I had a kit kat and then followed that up with another kitkat.

I went for a walk at around 7pm after putting the kettle on and to my surprise I noticed there was a cafe just some 30 yards from the studio entrance, but to my dismay it had closed at 3pm, so I went back and had a Spicy Curry Pot Noodle which was ok but I felt a bit sad because the sachet of 'Spicy Sauce' was quite small and wasnt spicy at all
Mick Moss said:
About 10 am I had a ham sandwich on white bread with lettuce and mayo, and a packet of ready salted crisps.
then wanked
Then at around 3pm I fitted in the same again, except cheese and onion crisps.
then wanked
Ronnie made some tea at around 4, which was nice, so I had a kit kat and then followed that up with another kitkat.
then wanked and washed my hands this time
I went for a walk at around 7pm after putting the kettle on and to my surprise I noticed there was a cafe just some 30 yards from the studio entrance, but to my dismay it had closed at 3pm, so I went back and had a Spicy Curry Pot Noodle which was ok but I felt a bit sad because the sachet of 'Spicy Sauce' was quite small and wasnt spicy at all

Mick, too much detail mate
A bit of variation today. In the morning I prepared myself a BLT to take in. It was rather generous, with 4 bacon! :kickass:

I blew my wad a bit early though in the studio - i ate the BLT almost immediately and then only had a tuna with french dressing snack and a pot noodle to last me the rest of the day (along with the compulsory 2 crisps and 2 kitkats)

Utter dismay when I learned also that the cafe opposite the studio was in fact CLOSED! It closes Sat and Sun :cry:

Also throughout the day I walked over the road to a coffee machine and had a few 'chocomilk's (I dont know what these are but they are suspiciously identical to hot chocolate)
Alwin said:
can't wait to taste the new album!


I can't decide if that is the funniest one liner I've ever heard or if I'm just delerious from lack of sleep. :') -wipes tear from eye-
I had a bacon roll from Mcdonalds today and it was gorgeous, micks just ate more bacon and now i want some... we love bacon mmmmm

little piggy little piggy let me come in,

Pig says.
(only if yeh names mehdi, the rest of you can fuck off)
Unwrapped my Chicken and Mushroom pie. It was covered in mould. Checked date - it was 9 days out of date. Had to put it in the bin. Nothing more to say.
sorry to hear that Mick

I hope you guys have enough money to buy some extra studio time....
Britain's ANTIMATTER, a group made up of current and past members of popular post-metal merchants ANATHEMA, have entered the studio to begin recording their third album. A late summer/early fall release is expected. Songtitles set to appear on the CD are as follows:

01. A Portrait Of The Young Man As An Artist
02. Legions
03. Eternity Part 24
04. Fighting For A Lost Cause
05. Relapse
06. The Weight Of The World
07. Epitaph

Eternity part 24? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I got to the studio early today, so I had plenty of time to check out the cafe over the road. It seemed nice and clean and that, with a big heater and large bowls of bacon and sausages to choose from. Due to the fact though that Id already had a light breakfast, i went for a bacon on toast, which was ok, but I always find that bacon cooked by other people is never quite the way I want it. :erk:

Anyway, the day went quite fast with me finding time to go back over to the cafe and buy a large salad bowl full of chicken and bacon in mayo with cracked black pepper. It was really lovely. :Spin:

I've got 2 days off now, I'm back in the studio on Thursday, after which Im sure I'll manage to post another update for y'all. :wave: