Antimatter 3 +++Studio Report+++

Day one kicked off quite well with a bacon and sausage toastie from the cafe over the road. Later on I bought a 'Bacon and Chicken baguette' which was, for want of a flashier word, huge. I kept off it until I was rather hungry, which happened to be around 2pm. I went to the fridge and upon second inspection I became aware that the baguette probably contained about 2 pounds of meat and would in fact make even the most hardened carnivore secrete a salty tear of sweat at the thought of devouring such a beast. Nevertheless I went on boldy but only managed to eat half in the first go. The second half came about 2 hours later and rest assured I ate fuck all else that day until I got back home. Somewhere in the background I noticed the album was getting mixed.

Day Two began with a bowl of crunchie nut cornflakes folowed by a pint of 'Slimfast' shake (banana flavour), this being your basic multivitamin in a drink. This staved off the 'hunger demons' until around 3pm when I ate a chicken curry with rice. This was augmented later on by a cheese and branston pickle sandwich which was rather ace. I must've had around 8 cups of tea on this day.
Nothing new to add today really. Bowl of crunchie nut cornflakes, bacon and sausage on toast and then a tuna baguette from the cafe. Im sure I heard something in the background while I was reading my book. Sounded like music. Odd.
Im putting the video out to coincide with the third albums release, which in turn depends on when Dunc gets into the studio, so its out of my control at the moment.
My stuff is recorded already and Ive done all the vocals ( for the first time ). Dunc may or may not be asking a lady to sing his stuff, Im not sure what hes got planned. I wont be singing on Duncs tracks.
én én ééén fogoooook! :D
