Antimatter - Lights Out


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
i think this is one of the first reviews i did for RC. it was my first promo i remember that much.

Antimatter – Lights Out
The End Records

1. Lights Out
2. Everything You Know Is Wrong
3. The Art Of A Soft Landing
4. Expire
5. In Stone
6. Reality Clash
7. Dream
8. Terminal

There is a definite trend in metal circles lately to experiment with electronics. Some groups blend techno and metal into an industrial hybrid of sorts such as PAIN and 30 SECONDS TO MARS, others just completely dive in and leave metal behind, like ULVER eventually did. ANTIMATTER is of the latter type, as any real sign of metal is buried, if not completely nonexistent.

Ethereal is the only way to describe Lights Out, almost like a completely stripped down version of PORCUPINE TREE. Subtle textures, soothing keyboards, and repetitive rhythms dominate this release. The title and album cover both fit the music perfectly, as the entire affair is rather dark, but not so much that its aural depression wears off on the listener. “Lights Out” opens with an air raid siren and maintains that same eerie vibe throughout, even during the softer passages such as in “Reality Clash.” The closing track “Terminal” is the most pleasant sounding song with its soft string arrangement, but toward the last few minutes industrial rumbles and a heart monitor jar the listener enough to remind them how bleak the record really is. Positively haunting from start to finish.

One testament to making good electronic-based music is by how annoying the repetition is. Thankfully ANTIMATTER uses enough different instruments and sounds that even though the entire CD sounds like the tempo never alters, it does not become tedious. Even the extremely repetitive ending to “Expire” is well done and creates a nice scary mood. Some groups that delve into electronic experimentation may try to recreate song structure or maintain a decidedly metal flair when they do so, but this is not the case with ANTIMATTER. You will not find a single metal moment apart perhaps from one highly effective scream in “The Art Of A Soft Landing."

The minimalist and ambient genres can easily be discussed as art rather than music. Anyone familiar with Japanese Noh Drama will probably thoroughly enjoy the simple subtleties of Lights Out. Drawn out and at times repetitive, this music is great to completely zone out to, but also to enjoy as a simple yet extremely powerful art form. Metal heads may want to steer clear, but if you are into groups such as THE FUTURE SOUND OF LONDON along with your brutal death albums like me, you will not be disappointed.

I didn't like Planetary as much as this one, maybe because it's not as varied musically, but the Mick Moss half is still excellent, songs like Legions and Portrait of a Young Man among the most emotionally devastating things I've heard in a long time.