antimatter website problem


Jun 15, 2002
ok. this is really fuckin' weird. this morning i checked mick's antimatter page (the .tk one) from my uni's library and i found this whole new totaly reconstructed page, new layout and stuff. the thing is that if i try to access the site from my home pc, it brings up the old layout, which doesn't work anyways. how the hell is that possible? i mean, it's the same fuckin' address, right?

i have no idea what the problem might be or what to do. some sort of help would be vital. i can't download the soft landing mp3 goddammit!

Did you try the "reload"? If then it still doean't work it's the cache of your provider.. Light had the same problem with my It took him a few months till he got the right thing on his screen :cry:
refresh won't do anything, if that's what you mean. dunno what to do... dunc? mick? can someone at least post some direct link to the soft landing mp3 so i can get it from there? :(
cheers mehdi! :)

bambi, i've got no idea what you're talking about man! never really understood pc language...
If the problem comes from the ISP cache as EOS stated you can forze your browser to ask for the real page (not the cached one) pushing Control+Reload...

Just for the next time.

If it was a DNS problem as Bambi stated you can do anything but wait the new DNS are spread through the DNS network, depending on the TTL (Time To Live) size this will last more or less time (i have been enough dead clever :D :p )
well you are all pretty useless cos i don't have any problems with the website for the past few weeks...
