
usually, i only play Antimatter when i don't have me Portishead CDs at home, like when i lend them or stuff. it's like 'okay i can't play Portishead, so let's play Antimatter'.
Originally posted by Light
A friend of mine has the dubious honour of being the last bloke Beth from Portishead dated before she joined the other team...

wow he merd it right! by the way i shaked rob halford's hand once.
i want to say that me and mick had a rehearsal for the antimatter night in ghent, and the set list is fucking brilliant. i dont know what the finished set might be, but all the stuff from alternative 4 sounded superb.
it was considered not "LIVE" material by vinny but i suppose we have done duncan a favour anyway there. its better that these songs are done in the proper way by the right people instead of THAT version of anathema doing it. (post alternative 4)
anyway to cut a long story short, i felt last night that we had only 4 songs in our set at graspop that are as good as what i was playing last night.(temporary peace and a few others) and i feel that anathema actually have alot of ground to cover to get as good as this. i miss that deadly element in the songs. maybe the next one will start to do the name a bit of justice.
by the way suicide veil on the piano is well good.

so hats of to patterson and moss.
anyone who misses this gig in ghent will be missing out.
i can play the triangle if you need. or back up mick with growled vocals :mad:

last laugh would sound ace with black metal vocals :lol:
y'see growling just is'nt satanik enuff these days...gargling is well evil tho...specially if you do it with a mouthful of blood

I'm willing to gargle the chorus of in league with satan on the new AM sounds pure kult.

Rocks now harder!!! mit iodine!!!