antti's guitar tone?


New Metal Member
Mar 11, 2006
ive tried many times to get antti's tone exactly as his sounds but no luck. Ive got an esp F-200 with emg-hz pickups, so im almost postive i can match his tone. ive also got a gnx3 processor so i can alter my tone to how ever i feel like.

Can anyone help me out here? maybe even antti himself?:worship:
Metal Moose said:
Hhahahahahahhaaha, that is sweet.

Just out of curiosity, why do you care that you sound EXACTLY like him?

i personally REALLY like his tone. So much so that i would continue to use his tone for years to come. Also, when i play some of kalmah's songs, i would get more feeling(lets just call it the "chills") out of sounding the same or similar.
Kalmah said:
Heh... First of all you have to get rid off the emg pickups and then propably change the whole playing style...

yeah, i was thinking of picking up emg-81's and emg-85's, supposedly they give more melodic depth. I was also looking into buying a jackson(around 1000 US dollars) just so i can get more kickass melody. I do play a lot of yngwie malmsteen, and joe satriani and shit. As well as old inflames and obviously kalmah.

I tried high amounts of treble, and low mid. Ive tried high bass and high treble with no mid, fooled with the stompbox, and also fooled around with the compression luck. Ive tried some many combinations man. Im completley stumped.

Its like a puzzle antti, may get it, but not positive.
Kalmah said:
Heh... First of all you have to get rid off the emg pickups and then propably change the whole playing style...
Something I've always wondered was what are the exact model of pickups you do use? A players distinct sound comes from more than his rig, it's a very person touch added by the guitarist, but pups do reflect some of the sound. Anyways, it'd be cool to know what model of pickups you use and also what tube amps you and Pekka switched to for TBW.

Will we ever see a return of the Line6 AX212? :rock:
Revenant said:
Something I've always wondered was what are the exact model of pickups you do use? A players distinct sound comes from more than his rig, it's a very person touch added by the guitarist, but pups do reflect some of the sound. Anyways, it'd be cool to know what model of pickups you use and also what tube amps you and Pekka switched to for TBW.

Will we ever see a return of the Line6 AX212? :rock:

well, he did say mention something about using Jackson pickups
I woul assume that he either uses Jackson pickups or duncans
bridge: HUM
mid: single coil
neck: single coil
(based upon the pics of his custom Jackson)
Kalma|-| said:
well, he did say mention something about using Jackson pickups
I woul assume that he either uses Jackson pickups or duncans
bridge: HUM
mid: single coil
neck: single coil
(based upon the pics of his custom Jackson)
But still, what model of pickups? I remember him saying that he has a "non-typical Jackson sound" and that it is "very dark" compared to most of their pickups.