Anvil! The Story of Anvil!

On a trip to England, Anvil works with a producer whose equipment has knobs that go to 11, and the members of the band make a pilgrimage to Stonehenge."

Personally, I thought that was hilarious when I saw that. This shows simply how much influence "Spinal Tap" had, since these amps were modeled after that! Not that the movie was paradoying Spinal Tap, but that the amp manufacturer actually did.

Also (of course!) there is the sequence where they are wandering backstage pre-show (I think in Tokyo) and one of them yells out "Hello Cleveland!". I've got to believe almost every metal musician has done this at one show or another.....
Guys guys, unless you are The Agency Group and maybe a few select others, ALL booking agents are scumbags. Very few of them are actually professional.
I would seriously lose ALL respect I have for this festival if Glen ever booked ANVIL.

1) They are NOT very good. Their biggest fans will admit they are "C" level at best.

2) There is nothing redeeming or original about their music. Not saying music has to be original to be good, but still.

3) This festival never seemed to be one to simply give in to hype.

4) VH1 is already backing the re-release of their album and upcoming tour

5) Re-read reason #1

you are also the same guy earlier this summer when the movie came out went and picked up some of thier stuff and was telling me to get it. Plus you wanted to go see them live also. Just saying.

I agree....they are nothing great and just now a player in the ever so great hype machine.....lots better acts out there who are playing this type of metal.
Ok, so all I am reading basically is that everyone is blowing a load over ANVIL because they feel bad for them, and they stuck to their guns. I truly do admire their dedication.

Let's stop tugging on each other's heart strings for a moment, and ask ourselves this.

Prior to this movie, was ANVIL ever ONCE mentioned on this forum?
Anyone ever make a post about a new album of theirs?
Anyone ever recommend them for the fest?

Answer is a big fat NO! They would not seriously be on ANYONE's top 100 wishlist for Prog Power prior to the documentary.

My never attending this festival has nothing to do with my ability to comment on whether or not I think they are a fit for this fest.
Ok, so all I am reading basically is that everyone is blowing a load over ANVIL because they feel bad for them, and they stuck to their guns. I truly do admire their dedication.

Let's stop tugging on each other's heart strings for a moment, and ask ourselves this.

Prior to this movie, was ANVIL ever ONCE mentioned on this forum?
Anyone ever make a post about a new album of theirs?
Anyone ever recommend them for the fest?

Answer is a big fat NO! They would not seriously be on ANYONE's top 100 wishlist for Prog Power prior to the documentary.

My never attending this festival has nothing to do with my ability to comment on whether or not I think they are a fit for this fest.

Not to mention that they just don't fit. They're a thrash band. Yes, Paradox is playing but they also have a prog and power edge to them. Most importantly, this is just the wrong audience for them.
you are also the same guy earlier this summer when the movie came out went and picked up some of thier stuff and was telling me to get it. Plus you wanted to go see them live also. Just saying.

Agreed on all points. I said above that I really dig their Forged In Fire album.
My main point is that the band isn't worth the hype.
Furthermore, I don't think they should be chosed for Prog Power, as it would be capitalization of their current "15 minutes"

I wouldn't mind seeing ANVIL live sometime.
I still don't think Prog Power would be the proper venue for it.
My never attending this festival has nothing to do with my ability to comment on whether or not I think they are a fit for this fest.
I beg to differ. Why does someone who has NEVER attended this festival think that he is some SME (subject matter expert) on what bands should or should not play this festival?? Dude you are nothing but an armchair quarterback. Get into the game, before offering constant suggestions.:Smug:
BTW, for everyone here I don't know if you know this or not, but for their tour they're not having an opening act. Instead, they're playing the doc in full. I don't think this is a good idea now that the movie is out. I think if they were to have done this 6 months to a year ago, it would've worked. They would've given a cool movie/concert experience to people to see, but now that it's out I don't know if this is a good idea. To help them draw more, I think they probably should've had at least one opener as I said they won't be getting vast amounts of people. I will probably go to the HOB show because I've never seen them and this will probably be the sole time they tour here, but this could be a disastrous financial decision.

i thought they already did the tour using the movie as the opener?
Here's the latest dates (tickets for ATL go on sale Friday morning):

Mohegan Sun Uncasville, Connecticut, USA 10-Dec-09
House Of Blues Cleveland, Ohio, USA 7-Jan-10
Phoenix Concert Theatre Totonto, Ontario, Canada 8-Jan-10
The Crofoot Pontiac, Michigan, USA 9-Jan-10
House Of Blues Chicago, Illinois, USA 10-Jan-10
Town Ballroom Buffalo, New York, USA 12-Jan-10
Sonar Baltimore, Maryland, USA 14-Jan-10
Irving Plaza New York, New York, USA 15-Jan-10
House Of Blues Boston, Massachusetts, USA 16-Jan-10
Theater of the Living Arts Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 17-Jan-10
The Fillmore Charlotte, North Carolina, USA 19-Jan-10
Variety Playhouse Atlanta, Georgia, USA 20-Jan-10
House Of Blues Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA 21-Jan-10
House Of Blues New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 23-Jan-10
House Of Blues Houston, Texas, USA 24-Jan-10
Emo's Austin, Texas, USA 25-Jan-10
House Of Blues Dallas, Texas, USA 26-Jan-10
The Pageant St. Louis, Missouri, USA 29-Jan-10
The Beaumont Club Kansas City, Missouri, USA 30-Jan-10
The Gothic Theatre Englewood (Denver), Colorado, USA 31-Jan-10
Marquee Theatre Tempe, Arizona, USA 2-Feb-10
House Of Blues San Diego, California, USA 3-Feb-10
House Of Blues Anaheim, California, USA 4-Feb-10
House Of Blues West Hollywood, California, USA 5-Feb-10
The Fillmore San Fransisco, California, USA 6-Feb-10
Knitting Factory Boise, Idaho, USA 8-Feb-10
Knitting Factory Spokane, Washington, USA 9-Feb-10
Wonder Ballroom Portland, Oregon, USA 11-Feb-10
Studio Seven Seattle Washington, USA 12-Feb-10

I'm actually a little disappointed, because I thought they were doing an actual tour this time around, but their web site has been updated to include the notation that this is "The ANVIL Experience" (again), meaning it's still the movie with a (presumably) short set from the band afterward. I dunno...maybe five songs from ANVIL is enough :lol:, but I was hoping for a little more. I saw this back in May, though (thanks to Pellaz for posting the info here on the ProgPower board), and I highly recommend it.
I beg to differ. Why does someone who has NEVER attended this festival think that he is some SME (subject matter expert) on what bands should or should not play this festival?? Dude you are nothing but an armchair quarterback. Get into the game, before offering constant suggestions.:Smug:

I have to agree! I like Anvil (have since 1981) and no, they probably would not be a perfect fit at PP (I have attended the last 8 years). But really - what would you know about it?! Answer - not a damn thing!
I have to agree! I like Anvil (have since 1981) and no, they probably would not be a perfect fit at PP (I have attended the last 8 years). But really - what would you know about it?! Answer - not a damn thing!

i too would love to see Anvil at the showcase having been a fan since the 80s, but at PP they would be a little out of place.

not all people who bought the DVD just found out about the band. i just never knew what they were up to before this movie. i lost track after their first album with Massacre and after Metal Blade years.
ANVIL on That Metal Show. sounds pretty good and would be a blast to have at PP showcase.

plus a pic from my office.
You got to be kidding me.
Do you honestly think that Glen has only solicited suggestions from people who have attended the fest?

How many of you commented on this years Chicago Powerfest lineup who have never attended?
You got to be kidding me.
Do you honestly think that Glen has only solicited suggestions from people who have attended the fest?

How many of you commented on this years Chicago Powerfest lineup who have never attended?

I never have made suggestions, nor have I attended the festival. Why make suggestions to a festival you are not supporting at all!!! It only makes sense for Glenn to solicit suggestions from those who actually attend the festival since they are the ones who PURCHASE the tickets and make it possible for him to do this festival year after year. What are you doing to help Glenn do this on a yearly basis or at all?:Smug:
Settle down, kidz. :)

Of course Glenn would be interested in constructive criticism from those who -- for whatever reason -- haven't yet attended PPUSA. After all, without new attendees, the festival would stagnate and wither.
Of course Glenn would be interested in constructive criticism from those who -- for whatever reason -- haven't yet attended PPUSA. After all, without new attendees, the festival would stagnate and wither.

Thank you.

You need to take a business class (or ten) if you think ANY promoter is only interested in hearing from its repeat customers.

For fuck's sake, we are talking about ANVIL here.
Thank you.

You need to take a business class (or ten) if you think ANY promoter is only interested in hearing from its repeat customers.

For fuck's sake, we are talking about ANVIL here.

I have taken PLENTY of business classes but you have yet to answer ANY of my questions!!:lol::lol: