but i would most definitely listen to attendees of the fest before taking opinions seriously of those who have never attended.
WOW!!!!! Are you even remotely serious?
You seriously could not have EVER taken a marketing class then with that logic.
EVERY company elicits feedback, esp from those who HAVEN'T purchased the product, to identify the wants and needs of potential customers.
Furthermore, Glen's lineup NEVER solely appeals to its repeat customers.
How many bands has Glen introduced to its existing fanbase?
The answer is tons.
Just look at the Amorphis booking.
Glen himself stated many times that the obvious reason for this booking was to reach out to more attendees. Granted, the majority here spent months pissing and moaning trying to defend whether Amorphis is prog enough or not for the fest, which further exemplifies that some here don't understand the business side of things.
So VenomGA, yes, I did answer your questions, several times in fact.
Discounting someone's opinions simply because they never attended the fest is absurd. If you owned a business, wouldn't you be more interested in hearing the opinions of someone who is a potential customer, as opposed to a repeat customer who is simply going to say every booking is a good one?
Sure, the repeat attendees are very important to this festival. From a business perspective though, if they are definites, that is not who Glen has to win over. Doesn't make you guys any less important, but from a marketing perspective, Glen has to see what would bring in new blood.
(IE - Tyr's success in the States following PaganFest, etc, etc.)
If you seriously think that the majority of Glen's decisions were driven by repeat customers as opposed to the metal community at large, then I am done with this discussion.
To get back on topic concerning ANVIL, I think its a case of their fans on here getting to defensive over them. Sorry, but ANVIL will forever be a novelty act, due to the documentary. It will make them a few bucks, but they are now forever the modern Spinal Tap, regardless of their music abilities. Booking a band like ANVIL now, to me at least, would go against what makes Prog Power unique.