Any Adagio fans here?

I can't wait for the new cd!!! I also an a fan of Akashic, the Brazilian version of Adagio X LOL


NP: Armageddon - Burn the Sun
If you dig Adagio, check out "The Alchemists", a great compilation CD featuring Stephan Forte and 26 more of the worlds best guitarists. Check out
that's the label. They will release an instrumental project featuring Stephan Forte, Richard Daude (another AMAZING shredder from France, ball dropping chops) and Richard Andersson on keyboards. That's gonna be the neoclassical album of the century!
Ah yes, I love Majestic!!! One of the "sounds like SymX" bands that gets mentioned often..they're not as similar in sound to SymX as Adagio is, though, IMO.
Adagio is pretty good indeed. I liked what I heard, but haven't heard much :) As soon as I find some material from them I'll give them another listen.

Btw, Yngvai, your mp3 on Ouch ! That rocked ! You really attend at berklee ? Nice ! My compliments !
adagio is awesome. i didnt think they could top Sanctus Ignis, but they definately did with Underworld. those guys are amazing. in my opinion second only to symphony x. and not just cuz its the SX forum. check out time requiem, too. Andersson's on there along with some other great musicians.