Any band that no one hates in here?

Death is one band I see most metalheads agree to be awesome though I see a lot of hatred for Sound Of Preseverance which happens to be my favourite album ever by them.

I can safely say Black Sabbath's early era would be something we all may enjoy.
now im pretty sure there are some people here that dont really like summoning, but does anyone absolutly hate them?
I love 'TSOP', I sort of feel like some of the problem is that death metal is what is being expected and how the band has always been viewed..rightfully so to an extent, but the point being, they had been in the prog-thrash vein for a while by this's a great album of that, IMO.

Early Sabbath as I said has a lot of respect from me but little enjoyment, as I just plain don't tend to enjoy bluesy/'stoner' doom much at all, and so much of the Ozzy era is a template for that. But it's surely some of the best of what it would spawn.
now im pretty sure there are some people here that dont really like summoning, but does anyone absolutly hate them?

I need to get an Aborym album badly. I've listened to so many of their songs and love them, but I've never gotten around to ordering a record.

EDIT: @Orion
You just can't fault Sabbath though for what they've done. I personally love them; but whatever you believe, you have to admit that their eponymous title track is the epitome of doom metal.

There's definitively some people around here that hate industrial BM. Great band, though.

I need to get an Aborym album badly. I've listened to so many of their songs and love them, but I've never gotten around to ordering a record.

Yes, do order NOW! :cool: I can't wait for a new album. Man, I can't believe it's been 2 years since I picked up Generator from the store.
I didn't even realize that that album has been out that long. I've listened to their myspace songs and stuff on youtube, but I really need to buy an album. And Zeph raves about them, and I tend to usually enjoy bands that he does.

Which record should I start with?
now im pretty sure there are some people here that dont really like summoning, but does anyone absolutly hate them?
Plenty of people hate Summoning. Well, hate is a pretty strong word(if that's what you're implying) but this is the internet, and since you can't really be penalized for being so forward especially with regards to music, the word gets tossed about freely.
I'd assume that a lot of people who primarily like their music guitar-driven and heavily riff-oriented don't like the band.
Don't feel bad for not liking old school death.

The problem with old school music, is that while they may have invented genres, and been fresh and ahead of their time...during their time....the fact is their sound mostly is dated because bands have taken what they came up with and taken it to the next level.

I also wouldn't say I HATE any band...I just use hate for thread's sake.

I don't see how anyone can hate Maiden - Bruce's vocals are just awesome.
Didn't you say earlier you hated Maiden?

Also, I hardly notice if a band is outdated or not. Then again, most music I listen to is before 2000.
I didn't even realize that that album has been out that long. I've listened to their myspace songs and stuff on youtube, but I really need to buy an album. And Zeph raves about them, and I tend to usually enjoy bands that he does.

Which record should I start with?

Generator, but some claim Kali Yuga Bizarre is better and other think it's Fire Walk With Us. In other words, you're bound to land a keeper.
Also, I hardly notice if a band is outdated or not. Then again

Me either. I've never heard anything regardless if it was 30 years ago or 5,10 and thought to myself how it sounds out of date,etc... never really thought about nor see what it has to do with anything.
Me either. I've never heard anything regardless if it was 30 years ago or 5,10 and thought to myself how it sounds out of date,etc... never really thought about nor see what it has to do with anything.

Well that's awesome if you can filter through the production quality through the generations...not me.

A lot of these genre starters listed here....ugh...the guitars and overall sound is so thin. The sound structure is so boring as well. Bands now have way better production and more it's more interesting to me.

Obviously I'm not labelling ALL old timer metal as just has a boring slow sound to me. Actually, there's so much metal now, I need something "different" for a band to really stand out for me.

Anyone hate or strongly dislike Testament or Overkill?
The problem with old school music, is that while they may have invented genres, and been fresh and ahead of their time...during their time....the fact is their sound mostly is dated because bands have taken what they came up with and taken it to the next level.

I seriously sick of hearing shit like that. No one has improved on certain albums by certain bands because you just couldn't make those albums now because trends have changed, that's it.

For example I can think of certain classic metal stuff and hmm, a whitescreen video with ug boots, blastbeats harsh vocals and a more modern riffing style would just kill it and make it completely generic and shit.

Also I find the OMG it's 1983 where are your children aspect of certain bands back catalogue endearing. I don't know why but when people complain about it, they come across as simplistic to me.
I didn't even realize that that album has been out that long. I've listened to their myspace songs and stuff on youtube, but I really need to buy an album. And Zeph raves about them, and I tend to usually enjoy bands that he does.

Which record should I start with?

Yeah, actually it's been almost 3 years.

If I remember well most of the stuff on their myspace was from Generator, so that could be a good starting point for you. After that you could work your way backwards through their catalog.