Any band that no one hates in here?

The Chasm - A Portal To Nowhere, I'm The Hateful Raven, Traveling Through Chaos (I, the Pastfinder II)

Bathory - Blood Fire Death, One Road To Asa Bay

Hey thanks, Ultimate!

I checked out Blood Fire death and it was sweet...I'll be checking out more of their stuff for sure. I always considered them black metal for some reason, and that was never really a favorite genre of mine...but they don't fall into the generic blast beat cold guitar sounding metal like Emperor, Marduk, etc....

Father to son was also an epic song!

Not too many Chasm songs on youtube...I'll dink around some and try to find your recommendations.

Again - thanks!

I checked out Blood Fire death and it was sweet...I'll be checking out more of their stuff for sure. I always considered them black metal for some reason, and that was never really a favorite genre of mine...but they don't fall into the generic blast beat cold guitar sounding metal like Emperor, Marduk, etc....

Father to son was also an epic song!

Those albums aren't black metal. They set the standard for the traditional Viking metal sound.

Under the Sign of the Black Mark

Go now!

This album has more black metal influences, but you can hear the epic Viking sound beginning to shine through. Such an amazing progression of records.
Hey thanks, Ultimate!

I checked out Blood Fire death and it was sweet...I'll be checking out more of their stuff for sure. I always considered them black metal for some reason, and that was never really a favorite genre of mine...but they don't fall into the generic blast beat cold guitar sounding metal like Emperor, Marduk, etc....

You're welcome. Bathory verges between black and viking metal, that album is a landmark of the viking metal genre. I'd suggest you check out Blood Fire Death and Hammerheart.
I ran through the tracks Bathory has on their myspace, didn't really do anything for me. Maybe they put up some sub quality recordings on the myspace or something but what was up there just came off kind of weak.
Those albums aren't black metal. They set the standard for the traditional Viking metal sound.
Eh, Blood Fire Death is very much black metal (not pure but defintely the core).
This album has more black metal influences, but you can hear the epic Viking sound beginning to shine through. Such an amazing progression of records.
Do you have anything against calling Bathory black metal? :p Because Under the Sign of the Black Mark doesn't "have more black metal influences" it is 100% black metal.
Quite honestly I dont hate ANY band and I dont see anyone else really doing that either. Why should I? If I dont particulary care for the music I dont listen to it but I sure as hell dont waste my hate on that band.
Eh, Blood Fire Death is very much black metal (not pure but defintely the core).

Do you have anything against calling Bathory black metal? :p Because Under the Sign of the Black Mark doesn't "have more black metal influences" it is 100% black metal.

It's definitely not "100%" black metal. It is very black metal. If I made it sound as though it's "a little black metal, but not much," I apologize. I agree that Under the Sign is essentially a black metal album; but I wouldn't say it is completely. It betrays signs of Viking metal, albeit subtley.

I've always thought of Blood Fire Death as a Viking metal album though.
Under the Sign of the Black Mark contains some more epic sounding parts, as this was the direction his songwriting was heading in at the time, but really has nothing that isn't black metal, and you'd be hard pressed to actually point out anything on the album that shows otherwise.
Blood Fire Death is Black Metal except for "A Fine Day to Die" and the title track, the former of which is a mix. Besides a couple moments here and there and some lyrical themes, it's not too different from the previous album.
I hate the term "viking metal". If someone says to me "we play viking metal" i have no idea how it sounds except the lyrics will be some watered out stuff about vikings. I'd rather call Hammerheart and Twilight slow epic heavy metal, that gives you a much better picture.
Agreed. "Viking metal" is a stupid term. It's not very descriptive of the music, and bands that people label "Viking metal" can actually be completely different genres. Hell, I've even heard people label Amon Amarth Viking metal.:lol: