Any bassist out there?

Evil Ernie

Ungodly freak, defiler
Feb 5, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Hi all,

I was screwing up with my recording stuff last night and I decided to record the ending of In the Mist She Was Standing (beautyful part, isn't it?). The only thing is that I ain't got any good bass sample so there's no bass on the track, and it would definetly be more intersting if there was. So I'm looking for someone who could add the bass line on it.

You can get the file there :\HiG/evilernie+inthemistshewasstanding.mp3
You did a good job there, keep it on ;) The sound of the guitars could be better, but the playing seems accurate and good.
mot- said:
You did a good job there, keep it on ;) The sound of the guitars could be better, but the playing seems accurate and good.

I agree that the sound is not the best I can do. Very limited gain there. I am constantly woking on my recording sound and if some dude wants to do the bass track, I'll rerecord the guitars to get a better sound.

@Sindustry : if you are from Montreal, then you must come see my band live on the 16th of June at the Café Chaos ;) (no Opeth shit with my band though)
Nice playing, but that guitar tone certainly has to get beefed up. Remember, on Orchid Opeth used Jackson guitars with active pickups, shoved into a shitty Metalzone pedal into Marshall stacks... so you gotta go out of your way to make the tone sound over-gained and shitty :)
Moonlapse said:
Nice playing, but that guitar tone certainly has to get beefed up. Remember, on Orchid Opeth used Jackson guitars with active pickups, shoved into a shitty Metalzone pedal into Marshall stacks... so you gotta go out of your way to make the tone sound over-gained and shitty :)

Thanks for the information, didn't konw about that. In fact, I use a Jackson with passive pickups and I have a Metalzone pedal, but I don't use it anymore. Are you sure that's what they used? The Metalzone has a very razor sharp distortion and I found the gain to sound a little more rich on these Opeth albums.

osse87 said:
Kind of strange with drum fills containing only the snare.

Listen to the original again dude, that's pretty much what it is (got some splash cymbals missing but I don't have any splash sample).

So no one can play the bass? :loco:
i can. email me with details, or post them. just warning you though, i dont have the song, so im gonna have to get it first. it might take a while till i send you the file.
coolsnow7 said:
i can. email me with details, or post them. just warning you though, i dont have the song, so im gonna have to get it first. it might take a while till i send you the file.

I play, but I'm having issues getting a decent recording sound as it is.
You should be able to find their equipment list for Orchid on the official site. I've heard about combinations of amp/pedal collectively changing one another's sound subtantially and not sounding like the individual piece at all when put together. One model of amp/pedal I've heard that about is the Marshall JCM 800 head and the Boss Metalzone pedal... apparently individually both really suck for high-gain applications... yet you put them together and they just blast. So if this was the case, I can see how Opeth would've got a more rounded tone from Orchid than a Metalzone can give for most amp types.
@Coolsnow7 & Thecrimsonchin : I tried to rerecord that shit tonight but my bridge pickup is all fucked up so I can't get that edge I'm looking for. As soon as I get it repared, I'll make a final drum&guitar track to send you. I'll post it here when done. Then you'll be able to add the bass track on it and send me back the whole shit for the final touch (best thing would be the bass track alone, unless you can do some tasty mixdown). So that hiatus should give you the time to learn the song or work your sound :Spin:

Thank you very much guys :rock: