Any Christian Metal bands similar to...

try Kekal, Christian Black Metal from Indonesia. try the song Rotting Youth or The Conversions. Both from the first album. Kekal means Eternal.
I think it's quite hard to get their album in USA. If you are in Europe, then you have bigger chance.
While they are not in the genre that you mentioned, but they are still on the Heavier side...
You might recommend Barren Cross, the singer sounds like Bruce Dickinson! Most of their stuff is out of print, but I am sure you can find that on Ebay or something....
I only own one Christian artist CD (Halo s/t) and it's more like Kiss with keyboards than anything, but you might want to try Mike Howe era Metal Church. The lyrics pf "End of the Age" comes straight out of the book of Exodus.

Tourniquet and Mortification are 'real' christian bands and the first ones which come to my mind, i wouldn't consider Iron Maiden or In Flames as christian-metal, isn't Saint Vitus also christian-metal?
there is no band that calls itself "christian band" , i think it is stupid to put some bands in a gengre (white metal, christian metal) because of the lyrics is there a satanic metal, or buddha metal, islam metal? or something ...ok ...back to the topic.
bands with "christian" or "white" lyrics not mentioned that KILL:
Saviour Machine: Hm, Dark "progressive" metal in its true meaning, with an amazing voice ..incredible atmosphere.
Veni Domine : from Sweden , a mixture of Candlemass meet Fates Warning and have Queensryche vocals.
Sacred Warrior: us power metal in the vein of early QR, great band .
Joshua: a hard rock band , dont know much bout them.
STRYYYPEEER: ok everyone knows these guys i think, great stuff
Recon: another power metal band from the us ..again in the vein of early QR , yet with some more raw moments.
Believer : who played a sort of "avant garde" death metal.
Haven: us power metal band (again) melodic one, but really great, had many stories from the bible in their lyrics
Bride: these guys had only one good album i.m.o. (Live To Die ) which has a song called "Heroes" where someone may listen to the scream with the bigger length ever!
also MANY bands had their .... "white metal" moments, even Black Sabbath (After Forever ) Solitude Aeturnus (Where Angels Dare To Tread, Opaque Divinity), Manilla Road (may the lords of light be with you blah blah, we will destroy satan's league , and when the gods of hell sentence you to die , remember well my friend the warlord never cries blah blah) and many others.
I heard a really great Christian band once called Crimson Thorn. They released a few albums in the early 90's but eventually broke up. One would never know they were Christian from the look of their CDs or their sound. I would say they are like Cannibal Corpse but have more grind in their sound. I thought they were a pretty decend death metal band.
Extol is by far the best "Christian" metal band.

This brings up another good point. I've seen people who say they would never listen to bands who were Christians. Isn't that the same as the retarded Christian metalheads who say they would never listen to black metal or death metal?

Something to think about....