any drum programming services/people here that do it?

The drums sound really amazing in this track. One of the best drum programming i've ever heard in my life, if not the best (it's awesome on your other myspace tracks also).

I think some of your keys here are :

-you are a producer

- you are a drummer

and that makes all the difference, compared to drummers who aren't used to program drums, or dudes like me who know drum programming but who are not real drummers

I sincerely appreciate that, man.
I do play the drums a little - enough to give me a better feel for programming - but I can't play all the stuff that I program. I can imagine or visualize playing it though, if that makes sense. That is what makes all the difference for me.
Can you upload the guitars and stuff anyway? That way people can make teasers with programmed drums, and then you can decide based on the clips. I'd like to be able to do it anyway even if it's just for me to mess around with.


well, I'm typically embarrased at my scratch tracks cause they sure are rough and poopy sounding, but here it is (with rough drums and gits) since you asked! I gotta pull out the drums tonight so metalhead28 can work his magic. I can post the gits by themselves after I do that if you want to mess with it for practice or whatnot. speed = 146 bpm (whole song)

I don't know what everyone's using to upload these days, but here it is on rapidshare (you don't need an account to download it):

I also slapped it up on my soundclick (link in signature), first song.

guitars only (also on soundclick now):
I sincerely appreciate that, man.
I do play the drums a little - enough to give me a better feel for programming - but I can't play all the stuff that I program. I can imagine or visualize playing it though, if that makes sense. That is what makes all the difference for me.

I'm listening to the track now, though I'm not digging the song the drums are amazingly real.

Would you post up the MIDI files of the fills and such? I'd like to get a better understanding on the complexities of getting a real sounding programming track together.

How long would you est. that track took to complete the drum programming?
I can post the midi, I'll just have to grab it tonight and post it tomorrow because I'm at work right now.

I didn't program that song in a single sitting, so it's hard to estimate. I initially programmed the basics for maybe half of the song, then as I started recording instrument parts I was going back numerous times and making the drums more elaborate. All told I have maybe 4 or 5 hours worth of programming, mostly spent just working out the fills. If I had anything composed beforehand it wouldn't have taken so long. A few parts of the song are kind of repetative because I was getting bored with the piece and I just wanted to finish it...:) It's not my standard type of music, and I wouldn't expect many around here to dig it. I'm glad you at least like the drums.
I can post the midi, I'll just have to grab it tonight and post it tomorrow because I'm at work right now.

I didn't program that song in a single sitting, so it's hard to estimate. I initially programmed the basics for maybe half of the song, then as I started recording instrument parts I was going back numerous times and making the drums more elaborate. All told I have maybe 4 or 5 hours worth of programming, mostly spent just working out the fills. If I had anything composed beforehand it wouldn't have taken so long. A few parts of the song are kind of repetative because I was getting bored with the piece and I just wanted to finish it...:) It's not my standard type of music, and I wouldn't expect many around here to dig it. I'm glad you at least like the drums.

There are some fills in there that are :kickass: and make me :rock: every time I hear them but I'd have no clue how to recreate them.

Thanks man.
Sounds like you do a perfectly fine job of programming man....

Very elaborate on the velocities. Pretty cool music btw.

I was gonna post the MIDI, but hell we had a tornado go through town and we were without power all night! No damage at my place though.

I'll get it up soon.

Thanks for the comments guys.
I was gonna post the MIDI, but hell we had a tornado go through town and we were without power all night! No damage at my place though.

I'll get it up soon.

Thanks for the comments guys.

Dude, yougot to post some of your Death Metal drum programming as it is insane! I am going to start writing songs again in January and I would love to work with you dude and I would be more than happy to pay you for your drum programming.

Peter - Bloodsoaked
Dude, yougot to post some of your Death Metal drum programming as it is insane! I am going to start writing songs again in January and I would love to work with you dude and I would be more than happy to pay you for your drum programming.

Peter - Bloodsoaked

Haha, thanks bro. Here are some demo versions of some of that death metal material. I think I could program this stuff way better now, but I just haven't done any death metal for a while.

And yeah dude, I could definitely do some programming for you, just get in touch with me when you get ready to work on the new stuff.
I'm moving this weekend and I'll be setting up a new studio at the new house, I'm excited about doing alot more music!

Oh yeah, and I'm out of commission for a couple of days because of the move. I'll post some MIDI stuff when I get my PC and everything put back together.
Haha, thanks bro. Here are some demo versions of some of that death metal material. I think I could program this stuff way better now, but I just haven't done any death metal for a while.

And yeah dude, I could definitely do some programming for you, just get in touch with me when you get ready to work on the new stuff.
I'm moving this weekend and I'll be setting up a new studio at the new house, I'm excited about doing alot more music!

Oh yeah, and I'm out of commission for a couple of days because of the move. I'll post some MIDI stuff when I get my PC and everything put back together.

Well, it took me long enough, but I've got the MIDI file for Caddywompus 2 that you guys were wanting.

I'm not going to bother posting it anywhere, but I'll e-mail it to the ones who asked for it. Just PM me with an e-mail address.
Well, it took me long enough, but I've got the MIDI file for Caddywompus 2 that you guys were wanting.

I'm not going to bother posting it anywhere, but I'll e-mail it to the ones who asked for it. Just PM me with an e-mail address.


I'm going to PM you my email now. Thank you sir!
