any drummers on this board???


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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i play guitar a bit but i am interested in learning the drums,i have ok grasp on rythm so have i got the makings to learn the basics on the drums???

any tips would be greatly appreciated,it just scares me when arms legs are going at diff speeds and i dont know whether i would have the co-ordination!!!

I've been a drummer since about 1985. Hence my love for Sir Charles. The first step to becoming a decent drummer is to pick up an instructional book or video that teaches "rudiments". These are stroke tricks that you perform with your hands and what eventually leads to fast chops. It also helps you to maintain tempo. These can eventually be applied to playing on a set and even as excercises to improve your feet dexteriety if you are invisioning double kicks in your future.

But it all starts on one drum/drum pad and learning the rudiments. It will seperate you from all of the other hackers.

Good luck and at the very hard and aggressive, even if you aren't that good, if you hit hard, you look good !!!!
i havent played in 10 years but i still have them in storage.when i get my own house & land i will bring them back out.neighbors can be assholes when it comes 2 noise.i never took lessons but the only thing i really cant do that well right know is the double bass.i can do it but not very long & very fast.
My advice is that you listen to different kinds of drummers and their work, then try to play what they are playing.
That's how i learned.
I have been a drummer for ten years. I guess the best thing is, let someone show you the basic (holding sticks, the simplest 4th beat on hi-hat, bass and snare) and then LISTEN a lot. Listen to the bands, try to understand how and what they play and then play along to them. Good luck.
I play bass and drums. THe only reason I play drums is because finding a decent drummer without an attitude is tough, So I learned how to do it mysef. As far as tips buy the Anthrax catalog, Start with fist full of metal and work up to Weve come for you all