Any GN'R fans?

That was the most amusing batch of posts I have ever read. I think some lads be wearing der panties a bit tight. Thoth is correct they did stand out when AFD came out. It was also a very good and significant album. Would I choose it as my favorite hardrocker ? No but it is a substancial piece of work.

I dislike Axl quite a bit myself, for all the BS he pulled over the years. But one would be hard pressed to prove the dude cant sing. If its not the style of your preference thats one thing but there was alot of high vocalists throughout the 70's and 80's, it in fact was what bands looked for, a guy that could really wail out on some high notes, blame Steve Marriot and Robert Plant. I think Axl over does the i yi yi yi's but oh well, I aint gonna cry over it. I think current metal vocalists over do the ra ra ra rulf, but I aint crying about that either, I just dont listen to it.

Who ever made the comment on "most glam bands" would have done better to simply post "Im mentally handicaped". Who ever made the comment about "authenticity" should have done the same. This is a metal forum with sub genres containing many bands that have minimal difference.

They drug the Dylan song back up in responce to Desert Storm, no harm done, nice tribute to the troops, the ideas of waring mongers and Dylan all at once and they did a good job on the song. Hendrix smoked All Along the Watchtower... BFD, he also stated Dylan as his largest lyric influence, but then we all know Jimi wasnt authentic.....

yeah they were rockers but rockers had alot of metal in them come the 80's

All that said I dont listen to them unless they come across the radio, they are a radio band to me, my purchases are mostly progressive... punk and rap
HAHAHAHAH! Credeance Clear Water Revival, The Who, Leda Zeppallllllllin, etc., etc., etc., clearly are are indebted to GNR for their serious take on hard rock. MY BAD D000d

i love CCR and i've seen john fogerty numerous times so i'm not putting the band down at all with the following statement. you said GNR aren't authentic but mention CCR, a band from californina, whose members were born in california and sang swamp boogie rock or whatever you want to call it. thats pretty authentic ain't it?
Disagree. :Spin:
I agree with your disagreement.. :p

Actually, pretty much all former members of G 'n' R are great musicians. The problem is with Axl. His vocals are, and always have been, atrocious. I guess he's a good pianist, but that doesn't make up for his ear splitting whining, screeching, and moaning. Also, while I do agree that Guns 'N' Roses are more accurately categorized as rock, there was a significant metal influence in their sound. "Lost In The Garden of Eden" from Use Your Illusion I, for example, shows a strong Motorhead/NWOBHM influence in the guitar riffing.
totally agree

That was the most amusing batch of posts I have ever read. I think some lads be wearing der panties a bit tight. Thoth is correct they did stand out when AFD came out. It was also a very good and significant album. Would I choose it as my favorite hardrocker ? No but it is a substancial piece of work.

I dislike Axl quite a bit myself, for all the BS he pulled over the years. But one would be hard pressed to prove the dude cant sing. If its not the style of your preference thats one thing but there was alot of high vocalists throughout the 70's and 80's, it in fact was what bands looked for, a guy that could really wail out on some high notes, blame Steve Marriot and Robert Plant. I think Axl over does the i yi yi yi's but oh well, I aint gonna cry over it. I think current metal vocalists over do the ra ra ra rulf, but I aint crying about that either, I just dont listen to it.

Who ever made the comment on "most glam bands" would have done better to simply post "Im mentally handicaped". Who ever made the comment about "authenticity" should have done the same. This is a metal forum with sub genres containing many bands that have minimal difference.

They drug the Dylan song back up in responce to Desert Storm, no harm done, nice tribute to the troops, the ideas of waring mongers and Dylan all at once and they did a good job on the song. Hendrix smoked All Along the Watchtower... BFD, he also stated Dylan as his largest lyric influence, but then we all know Jimi wasnt authentic.....

yeah they were rockers but rockers had alot of metal in them come the 80's

All that said I dont listen to them unless they come across the radio, they are a radio band to me, my purchases are mostly progressive... punk and rap
You really like to read your own words because no one else does... :p and yes they butchered Knocking on Heaven's Door, Sympathy for the Devil and other covers simply because of Axl's vocals... the highlights of any of their covers or original songs was almost always Slash's guitar work... Slash was the true talent of the band as were the other members of GnR excluding Axl... Axl was a good pianist like someone said but his vocals were and are atrocious and are in no relation to Plant and others from rock's past...

Also I wouldnt describe GnR's music as "glam" or "hair band". Listen to Poison and then GnR... night and day... but Jimi did do very good justice to Dylan's songs: Like a Rolling Stone, All Along the Watchtower etc. and it is quite obvious Dylan had a lyrical influence on Jimi ala Wind Cries Mary etc..

Had GnR come out in the 70's I think Slash would of been considered in the same level as Page and other guitarists of the 70's...
Sounds like your letting your narrow minded taste get in the way here with your opinions on covers.

Are you saying Merriot and Plant had nothing to do with the upper octave vocal trend that followed ?

If Axl put a clothspin on his nose and sang with limited range and lethargic so he sounded more like your favorite vocalist would he then be acceptable to you ?

Why did you go into the paragraph about Hendrix ? Everyone alreadys knows this and I just had the audacity to say it (when everybody already knows all this) so you added nothing to the topic just like you always do.

Oh hell! if Slash was around in the 70's there would be no Page and Slash would be the best classicrock/glam style technique guitar player everist
Sounds like your letting your narrow minded taste get in the way here with your opinions on covers.
How so? I said their covers were good or very good... just the vocals kill it for me and i bet most everyone else on this forum...

Are you saying Merriot and Plant had nothing to do with the upper octave vocal trend that followed ?
Where did i say that?

If Axl put a clothspin on his nose and sang with limited range and lethargic so he sounded more like your favorite vocalist would he then be acceptable to you ?
If he sounded like a vocalist I would like him... but he doesn't... he's very unorthodox imo and it kills the great music that the rest of the band created... much like Attila in Mayhem...

Why did you go into the paragraph about Hendrix ? Everyone alreadys knows this and I just had the audacity to say it (when everybody already knows all this) so you added nothing to the topic just like you always do.
You mentioned him and i replied.... next time don't mention something you do not want people to reply to...

Oh hell! if Slash was around in the 70's there would be no Page and Slash would be the best classicrock/glam style technique guitar player everist
I do not consider Slash nor the rest of GnR as "glam". They were just plain hard rock to me with some metal elements at times... and why I mentioned if he was in the 70's is because he gets no respect now for his playing...
What you are failing to see here is that you have no problem seeing the entire 70's as just classicrock but some how cant do the same for the 80's. The same people that think of the 70's as just classic rock also think of the 80's as just glam.

You have strayed from the subject that Axl was just another high singing vocalist in a period of two decades that this was common and began with the popularity of Plants voice, who was and still is accused of being whinny. I know this influence goes further back to at least Steve Merriot when he was in the Small Faces as he was one of Plants influences. I made that statement in a origional response to those commenting on Axls vocal range. Nothing more than that Junior.

Anyone that likes Ozzys voice has no room to comment on any vocalists.

So its alright for you to go off into paragraphs about stuff "everyone alreadys knows"... but not me ?
What you are failing to see here is that you have no problem seeing the entire 70's as just classicrock but some how cant do the same for the 80's. The same people that think of the 70's as just classic rock also think of the 80's as just glam.
Other then you I have never heard anyone say that all music in the 80's is glam... and I do consider some music in the 80's as "classic rock" of sorts.. go back and reread my posts...

You have strayed from the subject that Axl was just another high singing vocalist in a period of two decades that this was common and began with the popularity of Plants voice, who was and still is accused of being whinny. I know this influence goes further back to at least Steve Merriot when he was in the Small Faces as he was one of Plants influences. I made that statement in a origional response to those commenting on Axls vocal range. Nothing more than that Junior.
I never said that Plant was the first high pitched vocalist... and i do consider his voice kind of whiny... now I do at least... I didn't think so back then... As for Axl, imo only, no matter what kind of "vocalist" he is, his voice is just atrocious and kills the music. Axl sings high pitched more because he knows he has no good quality singing voice whatsoever and uses a high pitch one to mask that most of the time...

Anyone that likes Ozzys voice has no room to comment on any vocalists.

So its alright for you to go off into paragraphs about stuff "everyone alreadys knows"... but not me ?
Yup, I like Ozzy's voice. Sue me. I think it's unique and fits the music well. :kickass:I can comment on any vocalist or topic I like. It's a free country. You just like to stir the pot and hate it when anyone disagrees with you.

I didn't say you don't know, what I did say is you post things that are common/general knowledge like which bands made it for example like were all embryo's who just got into music and do not know about past heroes and such...
So now that we finally established it is a free country, personal vocal tastes, and all other things important :rolleyes: This is my feelings on the topic and its amusing bunch of bias first replies.

That was the most amusing batch of posts I have ever read. I think some lads be wearing der panties a bit tight. Thoth is correct they did stand out when AFD came out. It was also a very good and significant album. Would I choose it as my favorite hardrocker ? No but it is a substancial piece of work.

I dislike Axl quite a bit myself, for all the BS he pulled over the years. But one would be hard pressed to prove the dude cant sing. If its not the style of your preference thats one thing but there was alot of high vocalists throughout the 70's and 80's, it in fact was what bands looked for, a guy that could really wail out on some high notes, blame Steve Marriot and Robert Plant. I think Axl over does the i yi yi yi's but oh well, I aint gonna cry over it. I think current metal vocalists over do the ra ra ra rulf, but I aint crying about that either, I just dont listen to it.

Who ever made the comment on "most glam bands" would have done better to simply post "Im mentally handicaped". Who ever made the comment about "authenticity" should have done the same. This is a metal forum with sub genres containing many bands that have minimal difference.

They drug the Dylan song back up in responce to Desert Storm, no harm done, nice tribute to the troops, the ideas of waring mongers and Dylan all at once and they did a good job on the song. Hendrix smoked All Along the Watchtower... BFD, he also stated Dylan as his largest lyric influence, but then we all know Jimi wasnt authentic.....

yeah they were rockers but rockers had alot of metal in them come the 80's

All that said I dont listen to them unless they come across the radio, they are a radio band to me, my purchases are mostly progressive... punk and rap
So now that we finally established it is a free country, personal vocal tastes, and all other things important :rolleyes: This is my feelings on the topic and its amusing bunch of bias first replies.
I recognize that you have an opinion, I am just trying to get you to realize that other people have one too and will not always agree with you. Besides your first post on the topic of Axl imo was to tell everyone else before your post they are wrong. But then when someone (me) contradicts you, you get rattled. Like your saying how dare anyone disagree with you because your older then most of us so therefor you have more musical knowledge then us :lol: These youngsters are pretty knowledgeable Razor on music you just do not want to see it... perhaps your feeling your age like I am... and my posts are not personal attacks... they are just disagreements with your opinion at times and other times agreements like with Hendrix... lighten up...
Sorry my point was to show those they had made ignorant comments, which if anyone reads there was some really stupid bias shit spewed at the beginning. This does not show me any such musical knowledge, nor any open mindedness or rational thought.

As I indicated Im not even a fan of the band. The Appetite cassette should still be here somewhere and I cant recall ever playing it. I didnt even go to the Aerosmith/GnR concert with my former mate back in 89/90 whenever it was. But I did appreaciate their music on the radio. I dont like who Axl is as a person from his various stunts but he can sing and I bet few could pull off his vocals, not unlike Plant.
Sorry my point was to show those they had made ignorant comments, which if anyone reads there was some really stupid bias shit spewed at the beginning. This does not show me any such musical knowledge, nor any open mindedness or rational thought.
Somehow I think they would have disagree with you and most likely they do which is why they don't bother to reply to your posts or rarely do .. I do because sometimes these threads get boring and your a form of amusement...

As I indicated Im not even a fan of the band. The Appetite cassette should still be here somewhere and I cant recall ever playing it. I didnt even go to the Aerosmith/GnR concert with my former mate back in 89/90 whenever it was. But I did appreaciate their music on the radio. I dont like who Axl is as a person from his various stunts but he can sing and I bet few could pull off his vocals, not unlike Plant.
I'm actually surprised your not a fan of their music, Axl Rose not withstanding... tell me what it is about their music that doesn't make you a fan? Afterall I would say they were a little rockin though on the harder side...

As for Axl personally, I would have to agree with you. He's an ass who destroyed that band with his antics. As for saying he can sing, umm no. That is just your opinion. Not a fact. And no one would want to pull his "vocals" because most don't consider it such. Only you do if you haven't noticed.
Seems to me their popularity at the time speaks for itself and what ever the rest of your tantrums are is abit strange... yathink ?
One good album--Appetite for Destruction, their debut. After that, GnR went into a downward spiral for whatever reason: Axl being a complete fuckstick, drugs and personality clashes. Not even relevant anymore. Another huge jag-off in music is Eddie Van Halen. To have all the incredible talent he has on guitar, but let petty bullshit fuck up your band. They've done nothing creative or worthwhile for years. Axl should be loaded into a port-of-john and blown to shit with a rocket propelled grenade launcher. Horrible band.
Now that was funny shit. They all went downhill around that time though, their era was over and not comming back. As for Eddie, his career was over come the early 90's too but I also believe he had already done all he had, just like most bands and musicians. They did have a really good long run though and thats about the best it gets.
Axl should be loaded into a port-of-john and blown to shit with a rocket propelled grenade launcher.
haha that's funny... would love to see it.... :lol: but anyways only thing I disagree with you is that AFD is their only good album. I liked their Illusion albums as we'll as their "acoustic" album...

As for Eddie, his career was over come the early 90's too but I also believe he had already done all he had, just like most bands and musicians. They did have a really good long run though and thats about the best it gets.
I really think Eddie could of done more good music ala Clapton... but it was/is his ego that stops that as Blood has said with the petty shit...
Never heard anything about Eddies ego. I only know Sammy left because Eddie wanted to practice all the time, the guitar was his life and Sammy wanted to Cabo Wabo, it was over when Sammy left and even prior the music was lessening and only varying on itself. OU812 was the last of the best IMO with Unlawfull only haveing a few shiny spots that we had already pretty much heard. The instrumental he wrote for his sons birthday was the highlight of Unlawful for me. Thats the last VanHalen I bought. Sammys Not for Sale I liked alot but the CD dissappeared... I just finally threw the case out yesterday as a matter of coincidence.
One good album--Appetite for Destruction, their debut. After that, GnR went into a downward spiral for whatever reason: Axl being a complete fuckstick, drugs and personality clashes. Not even relevant anymore. Another huge jag-off in music is Eddie Van Halen. To have all the incredible talent he has on guitar, but let petty bullshit fuck up your band. They've done nothing creative or worthwhile for years. Axl should be loaded into a port-of-john and blown to shit with a rocket propelled grenade launcher. Horrible band.

they went downhill after AFD? if you look it up 90% of the material on lies and the 2 UYI were written before/during the AFD destruction sessions but left incomplete until more recording sessions in 1988
Never heard anything about Eddies ego. I only know Sammy left because Eddie wanted to practice all the time, the guitar was his life and Sammy wanted to Cabo Wabo, it was over when Sammy left and even prior the music was lessening and only varying on itself. OU812 was the last of the best IMO with Unlawfull only haveing a few shiny spots that we had already pretty much heard. The instrumental he wrote for his sons birthday was the highlight of Unlawful for me. Thats the last VanHalen I bought. Sammys Not for Sale I liked alot but the CD dissappeared... I just finally threw the case out yesterday as a matter of coincidence.

i actually think OU812 is the worst van hagar album. i rate F.U.C.K. the 2nd best hagar album behind 5150 and balance is better than OU812. as far as eddie's ego, he's a pretty big douche. michael anthony is basically out of the band because he remained friends with hagar