Any GOOD summer contests?


New Metal Member
Jun 23, 2005
Hey, anyone know of any big contests this summer? I mean like really big ones that are pretty reputable, for a LOT of money or otherwise. I know MTV2 has a contest going for a big rig truck full of stuff, hense its name "mother truckin'" contest, I saw the ads for it when I was looking up some info on SOAD, heres more info on it

I don't really watch mtv but mtv2 has some good metal videos every now and again, I signed up, this contest looks pretty cool
^That would be one hell of a prize to win. Too bad I live in Finland so I can't take any part in the contest.

And as for the topic, I don't know of any really big contests. And that might also be because I live in Finland :p
Finland, I have always wanted to visit finland...

Yeah the contest is only in the states', sorry, but yeah I agree the prizes are pretty sweet, I signed up myself & a few friends, if any of us win we're gonna split the prizes (hopefully they follow through if they're the lucky ones"