any guitar players here ?

hi ,

any guitar players here ?
if so

what is your gear ?

mine is a Dean EVO X with a Behringer AC 112 amp (60 W)


show me yours :cool:
Harry(not the Tyrant) said:
Jackson Randy Rhoads PS-3 and a Behringer Ultraroc GX 110 amp.
Hey,what is your opinion about the Behringer AMP's ?I am really happy with mine.Very good value for money i think!
yeh , got mine for 300 € and the official price was like 420 € or someting :)
I'm thinking of getting a Jackson King V or a Kelly ... or a Bc Rich Virgin :worship: oh well ...I'm broke now :erk:
Trevor Lane said:
Electric: Jackson Kelly and King-V both with EMG 81 and 85, Digitech processor, Morley Volume and Wah, Shure UHF wireless, Randal Warhead, Behringer 4x12, Rack with an Art Verb, EQ, and Rocktron Hush.

Acoustic: Fender 12 string Acoustic Electric, Gracie Perfomer stand, and Behringer 2x12 acoustic amp combo.
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

A Kelly AND a King V With EMG's :OMG: :worship: Your god :D
chrisTheNinjaPirate said:
any guitar players here ?

One here... :wave:
One thing: please reduce the pic next time, both in size and resolution, okay?
You could've rotated it counter clockwise as well... ;)

what is your gear ?

Yamaha Pacifica 604W
'76 Marshall Master Model Lead 100W + 4x12 cab
Marshall ShredMaster
Vox V847 wah pedal

show me yours :cool:

MY current gear is

BC Rich NJ Beast(signed by Panzer)
Jackson SL-1 Soloist
Jackson King V(First year)
Gibson Explorer w/ custom pickups
ESP MH-1000 with Bartolini's
Martin 1974 12 String Acoustic
and my ENGL Powerball

And on order is my awesome MCS Morpheus which will destroy all guitars previously made.