Any guitarists in/around Toronto?

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
If so, and you are interested in joining a progressive metal band, my band "North" is currently searching for a rhythm/lead guitarist. We have a drummer, bassist, vocalist, and myself on guitars thus far. If you might be interested, we are kinda progressive, riff oriented metal, you can check the sig for a sample song.

Hope to get some replies, we look forward to playing live soon, and will continue with or without an extra guitarist. Thanks! :)
I live in Chatham right now, but will be moving to London to take up post-secondary schooling... I don't know if that's close enough though...
I just got a chance to download the clip of your song from your site, and I must say, it's actually pretty good... Keep it up!

Of course there is a band from Poland already called North...

What will the vocals sound like anyway?
Yeah, the name thing sucks. I kinda want to change it, but the rest of the band doesn't really seem to. We'll see what happens, hopefully nothing like legal issues ever come about...As for vocals, we have two tracks with vocals that I can post if anyone is interested, but they insstruments aren't mixed as well. The vocals are kind of like Jens Ryden(Naglfar), and with a more Enslaved-ish voice from our bassist, and epic clean vocals ala Dan Swano or Vintersorg.

BTW, How far is London from Toronto? I am not sure, but it seems like it must be a decent commute...

Duvall!: Get that guitar back!
i'm in Hamilton, and have a good guitar, but shitty amps and i don't drive... but the bus could work... I dunno.... i enjoyed the clip of the song though, kinda reminded me of the Orchid album, same vibe you know?
Well... London is about an hour and a half drive from Chatham; where I live now...
Toronto is about a two and a half to three, or so, hour drive from Chatham... Depending on highway traffic and what not...
I'd say a drive from London to Toronto could be made in an hour and a half to two hours... Again, depending on traffic...
Originally posted by Till Fjalls
Yeah, the name thing sucks. I kinda want to change it, but the rest of the band doesn't really seem to.

Well... There are three Mayhem's, or at least were at one point... I'm not sure anymore...

My point is, there was no law suit between them... It should be okay.... If you want/have to keep it for any particular reason...

Originally posted by war machine
i'm in Hamilton, and have a good guitar, but shitty amps and i don't drive... but the bus could work... I dunno.... i enjoyed the clip of the song though, kinda reminded me of the Orchid album, same vibe you know?

Are you in the band War Machine that's playing live on CKMS soon?
no im not in war machine... ijust heard that there is a band called war machine recently...
i just thought of the name awile back from something zakk wylde said about 1919 eternal