Any ideas for this?


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Hey guys!

Currently writing/producing a project that (to me) is like metal-meets-triphop-meets-electronica-meets-femalevocals and this is a snippet of one of the poppier tracks (no vocals yet):

I am not happy with the guitars but have been changing the EQ on them endlessly and this seems to be the best I can come up with. They sound too midrangy and "open" to me (if that is possible with guitars, haha).

Any input on the guitars (or drums or overall mix) is appreciated!

KeithRT99 said:
it sounds pretty cool, i agree about scooping the guits. maybe quad tracking them (if it isn't already)

6 tracks already:
2 with bridge pickup, panned hard L/R
2 with neck pickup, panned L85/R85
2 playing singlenote, panned L65/R65 (very soft, barely audible)

I'll try it.
Here's my thoughts: although the music is like you described, the actual sound is very much metal, which is maybe why you don't like the way the guitars sit. Try swapping the neck and bridge tracks around, so the neck is providing most of the sound - it'll make them a bit thicker and smoother, and should add some low-end too them too, which I think would suit it better. Scooping the guitars is a good idea. I don't think the bass drum works either - too much click and the thud is too low for my tastes. I'd take some of the click out and maybe move it down a bit frequency-wise, and shift the low-end up a bit so it thuds more than booms. When the bass drum is that slow it doesn't need to click so much as punch you in the face.

@Razor/Mono/cobhc: I scooped them and it sounds much better, thanks! Will upload the new version later today when I get home.

@Steve: I've been thinking about the clicky kick and I am not sure I'll go with it in the end. I have a 909/subsonic kick on a different track hitting a straight 4-to-the-floor and therefore prodividing a lot of boom. The idea behind this is to try and make it sound electronic and danceable but still give it a metal sound while at the same time make it accessible. In the end I'll probably carve the mix around the vocals for this track, because it will end up being really pop ... :)

Thanks to all of you for the input!