Any JJECC83S tube users or CRYOSET Certified Tube user's???


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
I am looking at changing the tubes in my amp and thinking of using JJECC83S. Anyone use these? Can anyone compare them to Electro Harmonix 12AX7 EH ? I am also looking at changing the Power tubes to JJ6L6GC from the Sovtek 5881. Anyone use JJ6L6GC?

Whilst looking around I came across an ebay page which mentioned this:


The proprietary Cryoset treatment process utilizes a computer controlled, cryogenic chamber to very gradually reduce the temperature of the tubes to 300 degrees below zero (Farenheit) and holding them there for a minimum of 24 hours.

After the extended dwell at this cryogenic temperature, the vacuum tubes are then very slowly brought up to ambient temperature over the next 24 hours and stabilized.

The process is a "dry" one that utilizes Liquid Nitrogen as a cryogen that is flashed into the chamber.

The tubes are never exposed to the actual liquid.
All these processes are microprocessor controlled under strict and verifiable conditions.Scientists have known for years that material transformations occur when they are exposed to cryogenic temperatures.

Many of the early discoveries were more fully explored by NASA engineers who were trying to understand what would happen to metals when subjected to the extreme temperatures of space. "

From Here:

Anybody had any experience with these treated tubes? Benefits?

Thanks for any feedback. :kickass:
the JJ sound a bit warmer and "rounder" than the EH the EH sound a bit too harsh to me, never really liked them, I prefer the combination of Chinese in v1 and JJ in v2-vX.
concerning powertubes I'm undecided JJ's are definitely not bad, but I also like chinese (a tad brighter, less middy than JJ) and svets (perfect for marshall).

As for the freezing-thing: forget about that!
that's just expensive voodoothe claimed material changes are questionable and if occuring undone be heating it up again to work-temperatures.
Don'T let'em fool you.
I have the JJ's in my 3ch dual rec. maybe not as much gain as some people might like, but i use a lot lower gain settings than most metalheads. and they're nice and quiet. on a side note i just converted to and intergated quad of KT77's and 6v6's and OMG it sounds so good. I may post a clip soon.

LSD-Studio, Where She Wept and SickBoy thanks for the info, appreciated. :kickass:

Looks like JJ ECC83S for pre's (can easily put a chinese in V1 later LSD) and JJ 6L6GC for power section. Maybe this week, but probably next week (when it can be biased). From what I have read the JJ's will be a major improvement over the stockies, particularly the Powertubes. Can't wait to hear it. :headbang:

If anyones interested, particularly the other Krank boys here (as it will be most informative to them), I will post some samples.

Thanks again guys for the info. :)