Any Lexicon Omega users on here?


Jan 5, 2009
I just got an Omega a few days ago after my brand new Focusrite Saffire LE died (that's a whole nother thread), and I'm having some problems with it in Sonar 8. Basically, the analogue inputs a working fine, but the digital S/pdif inputs don't appear in the list of audio devices. Does anyone have any idea why this might be? I've been waiting to hear back from Lexicon tech support for a few days so i though I'd ask on here, since you are all so wise and all that!
I'm trying to use the S/pdif so i can run my dry guitar signal back out to my Pod for re-amping. since the Omega only has a stero line out (which I used to send to my monitors) I need another output option for the dry signal. I'm regretting getting this thing more and more, hopefully the store will let me change it for a audiofire 4 or something.
Figured out what the problem is. There's a little S/PDIP assign button on the front. You press that and it routes the analog 1/2 outputs to the digital outs. So you can't actually output different tracks to the digital outs from your DAW, which is pretty shit, you're stuck with only 1 stereo out. It's probably somewhere in the manual but who reads manuals right???