Any locals heading out to see Winterkill after Powerfest on Sat.?

You gotta wonder what they were thinking on this one.

That's just it...they weren't. :p :lol:

I would never even waste more than half a second considering to book a show for my band during any Chicago area metal fest (regardless of significance). Although, maybe because they figured since the Saturday night of the fest has all deathy type bands, that it shouldn't conflict. Unfortunately, I think they'll be sadly mistakened.

Oh well...they just better not wonder why there isn't anyone there until MAYBE after Winterkill might be the only band that actually has any crowd.

I did talk to Scott about it & he said it was outta his hands & that it was the only date that Winters Bane & JJ Kelley's could agree on during a given time frame since they had to postpone the show from its original 3/24 date. Hopefully Winters Bane enjoys long road trips for nothing. :p :lol: just goes to show how out of touch with the metal scene they really are...scheduling a show 20 minutes from Atheist's last midwest show ever...DUH!!!! :Smug: :rolleyes: :p
In all honesty, I think you guys are all worrying about this WAY too much.
This is certainly not even close to the first time there have been multiple shows on the same night near each other. In fact, it happens quite frequently.

The Chicago Metal Devastation Festival is taking place the same night as Heaven and Hell.

The bottom line is that there is always a choice.

I agree this might not be the best decision on the club's part for booking the gig the same night as Powerfest. Though if you owned a club, would you say, "No bands tonight. There is another fest in town so it won't be worth it" No of course you woulnd't.
Oh, I certainly don't think there's any issue with the venue booking the show....but for bands that are so closely related to half the bands on a fest, it's not a smart move.

Trust me, I don't care!!! It won't affect us at least not enough to matter.

I just feel bad for Scott & MC knowing that there probably won't be many people there to support them & I know how Scott feels about playing lame shows like that.
Well, then that's their problem, ya know?
The calendar is only so big.
Only 52 weekends in a year.

You are right. I don't think an obscure local band's reunion performance is going to impact the Powerfest attendance too much.
It's a shame that the bands couldn't control the schedule for this show. Even if I do make it out to see Winterkill I'm still going to miss MWC, I'm not exactly sure if seeing Winterkill is even going to be posible for me since I have a hotel booked walking distance from The Pearl Room AND there will be plenty of alcohol on hand AND 4 hours of metal AND a set of MOTHER F'N :notworthy ATHEIST, I'm pretty sure I will be VERY wasted after the show.

We'll just have to see. :waah:
Dude!! You really need to join/start a band. You wouldn't be using that as an argument then. ;)

Sure I would! And I have....
When you are in a band you play any show you can.
You can't worry all the time about what else is going on.
If the bands playing JJ Kelleys said, "Well, let's not do the show because of Powerfest," then they might have to wait a while until the chance to play there again.

As you said, and I agree with you, overall this should have very minimal impact on Powerfest.

I will be in the same venue as you that night, rockin out! :rock:
When you are in a band you play any show you can.

That is SO not true...I couldn't disagree more with that statement.

Actually, being selective is very important when building up a band.

But on the other hand, if you don't care where your band goes & you're just doing it for the simple fun of playing live, then sure...whenever & wherever you can. Although, I'm sure that's not the case with the Winterkill show. ;)
That is SO not true...I couldn't disagree more with that statement.

Actually, being selective is very important when building up a band.

But on the other hand, if you don't care where your band goes & you're just doing it for the simple fun of playing live, then sure...whenever & wherever you can. Although, I'm sure that's not the case with the Winterkill show. ;)

I agree....playing just any show is a bad thing...soon you become "that" band who never says no. You become like a running gag.

I do think it will take some people away from Powerfest. Sorry...I think it will. Power metal is non-existant on saturday and I think those people will choose the other show.
I guess I'll be one of those "10 people" in attendance to see Winters Bane and Shatter Messiah!

I'm just glad I could help Chris in getting Lethal and Shatter Messiah on the bill for Friday.
I'm pissed off about that show being rescheduled so I've decided that I'm not going to attempt going to Kelley's after day 2 of Powerfest. I'm still not partying in any ho-tel rooms afterwards on either night, though! :p
That is SO not true...I couldn't disagree more with that statement.

Actually, being selective is very important when building up a band.

But on the other hand, if you don't care where your band goes & you're just doing it for the simple fun of playing live, then sure...whenever & wherever you can. Although, I'm sure that's not the case with the Winterkill show. ;)

I guess it depends on what you want out of a band.
Some bands are big enough to be selective.
Others have a tough time even getting shows.

I dunno. Whenever I have been in bands, I just wanted to play out live.
I never looked at being in a band as a career, so I figured do everything I can while it lasts.

As Bob said, some bands play TOO much. That's a completely different story though. I mean, in this case, or other cases where you book a show when another show is in town, the worst thing that can happen is the audience may be smaller. You still play the gig, and get more practice playing your material in a live setting.

This case is different I suppose, since it is a one time thing. Obviously, not being associated with the band or club, I don't know if this was possibly the only date that worked for everyone????
I agree....playing just any show is a bad thing...soon you become "that" band who never says no. You become like a running gag.

I do think it will take some people away from Powerfest. Sorry...I think it will. Power metal is non-existant on saturday and I think those people will choose the other show.

Wow...we agree on something...woohoo. ;)

And do you really think it will take away since those people into power metal would probably not even go to the Saturday night regardless?
Wow...we agree on something...woohoo. ;)

And do you really think it will take away since those people into power metal would probably not even go to the Saturday night regardless?

I am a power metal nut, but I will be at Powerfest on saturday. Want to see Thurisaz and Novembers Doom. Plus I am not a fan of Winterkill and the other bands playing the other show.
Well, here's another thing to consider.
How many people show up for gigs at JJ Kelleys usually?
Let's assume Powerfest was NOT that night.
How many people would be in attendance?
I don't think the show will have any affect on Powerfest's attendance on Sat. Don't forget that Powerfest is all ages where the Winterkill show is not.

And should I reinstate the fact that F'N ATHEIST IS PLAYING!!! :rock: :kickass: