Any locals heading out to see Winterkill after Powerfest on Sat.?


With these guys, I disagree. A night of instrumental music would not be boring, it would easily keep my attention, because these guitarists are great and interesting.


Yes, thank you!!!
Sorry, but sometimes when you respond, you don't clarify to which point you are speaking on. Therefore, in this instance, I didn't know to whom you were disagreeing with.
Okay, here's the silver lining in this Mindwarp Chamber/WinterKill date change: it means that I'm now free to go to O'Malley's on 3/24. Sacred Dawn, who I've been meaning to see for the first time, is playing a show with Heaven and Hell that night - almost forgot about that! I remember writing that show off because of the original Kelley's schedule. Just checked the SD Myspace page and as of now it looks like it's still on! :kickass:

You must come because I have been trying to get you to an SD show for a month! Your presence is also required on the 31st. :p

I can go either way on G3. I've wanted to go to previous G3 tours. This year I've already spent a bundle on "corporate" shows. I gotta say no at some point!
I think that the attendance was so good at that show cause of the don't get me wrong JJ Kelley's is a great place for shows, but us people on the "north" side just can't make it there every weekend. I know hubby and I have a 45 min. drive just to get to Kelley's. So, 45 mins lets out at 2am or 3am, and then 45 mins. home.....makes for a long night. I may sound like a wimp, but I think that location has a lot to do with how many people come out and see a show too. The Feb. 10th show rocked and we were there not only cause we wanted to see all your smiling faces, but it only took us 10 mins to get there from where we live.
What I'm saying is *nudge nudge, wink wink* play more shows on the north side will ya? Hehehehe....Just my 2 pennies worth ;)

Only 45 minutes? Tch, I wish i lived that close to a good venue. I have to travel at least 2 hours for all most all of the concerts I go to.

I'm gonna listen to Winterkill, and if I like them, I might go to the show.
ahh, I see now... I didn't realize that Winterkill was broken up, and this was a "reunion" show. Still, I'm amazed that so many people would rather see the reunion show of Winterkill (a niche local band) than the final show of Atheist (a legendary band that spawned an entire subgenre of metal almost singlehandedly).
ahh, I see now... I didn't realize that Winterkill was broken up, and this was a "reunion" show. Still, I'm amazed that so many people would rather see the reunion show of Winterkill (a niche local band) than the final show of Atheist (a legendary band that spawned an entire subgenre of metal almost singlehandedly).

not everyone like death metal.
not everyone like death metal.

that's beside the point... it doesn't explain why so many people are planning on going to Death Metal Nite of CPF and then skipping out on the biggest attraction of the night... why would they show up at all? why wouldn't they just go to the other show in the first place? it doesn't make any sense to me.
I cared about attending the Kelley's show until it conflicted with the Powerfest date - the one to which I'd already committed. Can't say that I didn't entertain the idea of trying to catch the latter half of the Kelley's show, but after further consideration I realized it's not going to happen. It's unfortunate that they had to reschedule. :erk:
There are many more people who will be attending Powerfest then the 15 regulars who post here. Many travelling in from out of state, who couldn't care less, or even know who Winterkill is.

well yeah... I wasn't really suggesting that it was going to kill the attendance during Atheist's set... my comment was more just a question aimed at the people who mentioned that they were planning on skipping Atheist. I mean, if they're there for death metal night, then they don't have an aversion to death metal... otherwise, they'd just go to the power metal show. I guess I'm just up in arms over why anyone interested in technical/progressive death metal would rather go see a very ordinary (IMO) old-school metal band instead of one of the progenitors of the technical/progressive death genre. Nostalgic reasons? Personal preference?

I'm not trying to rip on anyone's plans or preferences... I'm asking because I'm merely curious.

I cared about attending the Kelley's show until it conflicted with the Powerfest date - the one to which I'd already committed. Can't say that I didn't entertain the idea of trying to catch the latter half of the Kelley's show, but after further consideration I realized it's not going to happen. It's unfortunate that they had to reschedule. :erk:

Yeah... actually, I have the entire week of Powerfest off, and if they were playing earlier that week (ANYTIME that week), I'd travel out to Chicago early and catch it, and I'm sure others would too. It's a huge bummer, and a major shame, that they decided to compete with Powerfest (even unknowingly).
There are many more people who will be attending Powerfest then the 15 regulars who post here. Many travelling in from out of state, who couldn't care less, or even know who Winterkill is. Hell, there's local people who won't care as well.

Thanks for saying that Paul.
I was going to say the same exact thing.
How many people would be at the Winterkill show regardless if Powerfest was in town that night or not?
that's beside the point... it doesn't explain why so many people are planning on going to Death Metal Nite of CPF and then skipping out on the biggest attraction of the night... why would they show up at all? why wouldn't they just go to the other show in the first place? it doesn't make any sense to me.

The main attraction for me on Saturday is Thurisaz, I'm not really into any of the other bands playing that night including Atheist. I like what I've heard from Atheist and it's great people are excited about them but honestly if I wanted to hear some technical death metal I'd put in Death. But to answer your question, there's a lot more to festivals than just the music and it could be those other reasons that people are coming for on Saturday who are not a fan of Atheist or the other bands.