any MELODYNE experts here!?


Feb 18, 2008
hey guys,

i use cubase 6 for recording, editing, mixing etc. so far so good.

especially when it comes to bass guitar i think that tuning
it a little bit is the key to a good bass tone.

i tried cubase 6 intern vari audio thing for this purpose but i think
that it sucks balls completely, it doesn't even recognize some deep
notes and by deep i mean a nowadays not really so deep anymore
drop D -.-

i just installed the melodyne demo and it seems to work so much
better than cubase but there is one problem...well maybe two...


i recorded the bass track in 130PBM. when i import this track
into melodyne the automatic tempo detection tells me that the
track has 140.546 BPM, or somehting like that...WTF!?

listening back with the metronome enabled the track is completely off...

setting the temo manually to 130BPM kinda slows down the actual track,
it's supposed to be 130 but it sound more like 85 or 95 PBM, it's extremely
slower and still off with the metronome enabled...

problem 2:

when i adjust the pitch and vibrato manually it sounds really good, not artifacts
no robot like sound but when i use the auto correction everyhting sounds likefucking dubstep...FOR REAL!?

any ideas!?

i'd realy like to buy melodyne but i am not willing to fight with stuf flike that...

1) Make shure your tempo track is ok and ON, and reimport the bass to Cubase, do not use "Reuse" option. And make shure the track is set to time and not note. If its set to note, it will change when you change the tempo.

2) I don't know how this works in Melodyne demo, but here you have the option on how much it will correct and how fast on auto correction mode.

Hope that helps.
i finally found some time to check this out but the demo expired. i also can't demo it again, guess i'll have to format my PC and then try again.
i am really interested in buying this but i must be sure it if it works properly or not.