Any musicians?


Jan 7, 2008
Ok, this is a music forum after all. :)

So, what do you play, how long, etc?

I've been playing guitar for about 17 years now. I also noodle with the bass, but only on occasion.
Have been playing guitar for 15 or so years, started in bands around 17 and quit the band scene about 23. Stopped playing for awhile--met a woman got married etc. Started again a couple of years ago. Mostly play for myself, do some recording and mixing/prod work for a couple of local bands. Play bass as well(of course) and I can program drums really well.

I found I am better now on the guitar than in my late teens/twenties. Perhaps I am more patient now or not trying to be the most brutal thrash/hardcore/death player anymore
I have been playing drums for, like, 14 years.
Some time ago, few people on this forum were talking about trying to record together, but then it did not happen.
I am more of a guitar owner than player. Buy/fix/sell. Never really learned to play them much. For as long as I have owned guitars (24 years). I have been fixing and selling them. Always telling myself I should learn to play them. Maybe someday.
I just started playing electric guitar, mostly for writing purposes. Been playing bass for ten years I also play drums (badly) kazoo and skin flute. I also can sing and scream pretty decently.