A couple of years ago they talked about a new album. Then with the reunion that came to an hold I guess.
I want to hear new songs. Did they play any live?

I want to hear new songs. Did they play any live?
SlayerNPG said:They have been talking about a new album since 2001. I can't believe they haven't made one in 7 years. All they would have to do is make 10 minutes of music a fucking year since 99 and we could have a new album. For some reason it seems like they just don't want to do one, but they're always giving the run around about it saying they are working on it or whatever. Expect Chinese Democracy in your hands first.
ANGELofMADnesS said:You do know that Chuck did get cancer right?
flebbie said:You do know that he was still able to sing the "First Strike Till Deadly" right?
flebbie said:You do know that he was still able to sing the "First Strike Till Deadly" right?
DoubleOKevin11 said:a new testament album would we badass. i heard a rumor they were gonna do it with skolnick (that is if they finally decide to do it) do you think thats true??