Any Next Top Model fans on here????

I just watched a show about sticking electrodes in your spine to induce orgasms...

I wonder though, couldn't the same thing be accomplished by a taser to the genitals?
Yeah me either, apparently if you hit the wrong nerve it's searing pain instead of pleasure.

And his success rate for pleasure was 1/3 of the total individuals...
LOL, I do watch how it's made from time to time. It seems as if everything on the science channel is a damn re run though.

I like the Yale girl also, But I also think Heather is going to make it near the end at least. hahhaha, I think she's the one you guys are calling the tard.

I can't help it. I love my reality tv :waah: It's like a wonderful train wreak.

After that went off last night I flipped it over to Ramsey's kitchen nightmares. Now that one has been a riot! All though my fav ep was one of the British versions was when He told the guy that his kabobs looked like a swinging donkeys dick.