Any of you fellow Aussies got the local insulation industry sussed out?

Benny H

Nov 6, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
I wanna know how/where to get an equivalent to the 703 panels recommended for bass traps.

Hoping some of the work may be done :) .... ?

From my brief inquiring a little while ago (at Bunnings, and a very small insulation company near my work), it didn't seem that something like that was gonna be easy to acquire.

Maybe I just didn't try hard enough. That and I probably don't know enough about what I want to research it successfully.

I just want the right thing. Can't be that hard?
Problem is idiots in government that are always there no matter who's running it. Fuckin incompetent leeches.

Of course it doesn't help when you hire a fake activist/musician as a minister.. I mean.. please.. what a drop kick Garret is.