Any of you guys got mixes with standard E tuned guitars?

Yeah I agree. It's not even what I would consider my normal taste but it's sooo well executed.

cheers guys!

sylosis album details are on here already i thought

we used my LTD MW-600, EMG 81, 10-46 strings (I use 10-52 live so it took forever to get used to flappy strings - less scratchy sounding though)

into a TS808, gain 3, tone off, volume 8

peavey 5150 mkii. cant remember the exact settings but i know the mid was only on 3 or somethin (i'm not doing clock faces by the way)

marshall mode 4 cab (sounded better than the oversized mesa we tried)
cant remember what mic

quad tracked, think the panning is hard left and right then about 90% L+R on the other tracks

PS - Psycroptic play in drop D tuning
cheers guys!

sylosis album details are on here already i thought

we used my LTD MW-600, EMG 81, 10-46 strings (I use 10-52 live so it took forever to get used to flappy strings - less scratchy sounding though)

into a TS808, gain 3, tone off, volume 8

peavey 5150 mkii. cant remember the exact settings but i know the mid was only on 3 or somethin (i'm not doing clock faces by the way)

marshall mode 4 cab (sounded better than the oversized mesa we tried)
cant remember what mic

quad tracked, think the panning is hard left and right then about 90% L+R on the other tracks

PS - Psycroptic play in drop D tuning

Damn son! Loving the solos on this stuff.
yeh it doesnt really take away any tone. it just doesnt add any unwanted high end which we didnt need.
dont like the high notes sticking out. it's pretty common to have the tone off

Is it? I thought 11-12 o'clock was the usual but fair play whatever works!

Is there a full thread on the Sylosis setup somewhere on here of which ive missed?
im pretty sure i posted all the 'deets' in an old thread in this section. anything you want to know just ask.
i can find out what the mic was, i know it def wasnt a 57.

Ahh right ill have a search about, if not ill ask whatever pops into my mind :)

Interested in this mystery mic too!
Hey Josh, it was good of you to pop and say hi and give us the low down on the details, much appreciated man.
Your playing on Conclusion of an Age is fucking ace:kickass: