Any thoughts of this mix guys? Much appreciated...


New Metal Member
Mar 7, 2005
Hi all...I'm after some of your invaluable advice. I rarely post here, but I read often and I would like to think I have absorbed some of your great advice...I guess we will see.

This is one of my latest tracks - fairly heavy stuff. I've worked very hard on the drums on this one - currently I program all my stuff, and i've recently stepped up from Fruity Loops to full sequencing in Cubase, running through DFH 2. I dropped in Andy's awesome Kick and Snare samples through Drumagog too.

Basically, whilst i'm aware this is still a fairly rough mix, I would like to think i've got most elements in roughly the right place, but the guitars and the aforementioned drums are still giving me doubts - I would love ANY input you guys could offer.

The guitars a tuned down to C and quad tracked, two to very far left and right, and 2 more slightly inside of them. I used 2 different guitar sounds - one for the outside and one for the inside (same left and right). I applied Andy's C4 setting to each too. No Bass quite yet unfortunately.

I think I over limited too - I just wanted to raise the volume so I could hear it roughly level with some commercial tracks without fiddling whislt comparing the mix. Just ignore the slight clipping if you can.

Anyway, there you have it - anything and everything you can contribute will be most useful.

Cheers! :headbang:
That sounds feckin' awesome, man - love the music! I'm by no means an expert, but all I'd say is that maybe some of the fast cymbal parts sound a bit harsh, and perhaps the snare could do with more high-end 'crack' - but this is far beyond any shit I could cobble together.

Looking forward to hearing more of your stuff!
I think you may have a bit too much low-end going there. I can clearly hear compressor-pumping. Maybe ease off the low-end on those kicks a bit.

I'd put a bit of work in clearing everything up a bit. The EQ is your friend and I think you can clear up some of the mud in that track with it a bit. Feels like everything is squashed together, there's no real separation.

Good luck.
thanks guys...definitely agree on the snare, and I'm aware of the compressor pumping....just threw that on very quickly to raise the volume a bit. Really shoddy job...that will be fixed.

Moonlapse, I agree it does sound all a bit muddled and confused - I think the kick is largely to blame...boosted the bass when I really shouldn't have. I'll work on that...give it a bit of a scoop to try and make it sit in a bit better.

In terms of guitar, I'm afraid to say I didn't use a PodXT or anything - one tone is straight recording out from a Roland Cube 30, and the other is Line 6 Uber Metal pedal on Pulverize setting through the clean channel on the Cube. Far from ideal, but I really can't make too much noise in my apt. right now. Actually, I do have a Rocktron Prophesy, but I confess I've never been too happy with sounds from it...if any of you have any patches or recommendations for programming it, I would be very interested!!

But, what do you guys think of the guitar tone? I'm quite willing to redo it, although this is already a much worked on version. I would rather try and improve it with processing - any suggestions? The Bass obviously isn't in their yet either, so that should add to it significantly when I finally get it done - I will probably have to smooth out the guitars then anyway.

Good stuff... i will not comment on the mix and kick/snare, since most has been said allready.. i would love to hear it less "limited" though.. that way the guitars could be judged better...

But guitars you ask?

sounds cool man! kick is stealing their spotlight a bit at the fast parts.. but they sound good to me, especially considering how and with what you recorded it with!