Any of you janks want to hear my demo?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Well then click one of the fucking links and shit:

I'm working on the artwork right now so I can plague people with a tangible object instead of just electronic files but hey, at least I was smart enough to get the music done first. Oh yeah this is just basses + various effects + shitty drum machine + 50 million punch-in FRRTS. I never wrote lyrics so the vox part will have to wait, and there's no guitar because I don't play guitar.

Enjoy, or don't. Either way. :danceboy:
I'd listen but I don't have speakers. I'll buy the vinyl when it comes out though
haha, the intro to the first one sounds like Bryan Adams "Run to You"

otherwise, this is cool shit -- this is all mostly bass? outstanding young man. And the drum machine is laid back too. I would totally listen to this.
haha OH MAN do I hate Bryan Adams.

All bass. All the "guitar" type stuff is my Sterling with the bass completely cut.

Cheers and such, especially to my favorite Slim Jim spokesfool. :cool:
Nad, you have such a twisted sense of melody. I like it. Something about the Rehashed Browns bit really sticks. I'm imagining that with whole layers of other instruments really rulling. The second, Fartea, is strangely funky and for some reason puts me in mind of various older prog work. Or obscure video games. Song of Whale is great atmosphere, what it needs is something harsh and upfront as a counter melody. Something to really scratch your eyes out on top of what exists and hover around the bass melody in an evil Primus kind of way. I think the third is my favorite because it just sounds so damned ominous.
Song of Whale was me twisting various knobs on a few pedals until shit started squealing. The whole thing is one take, written and recorded while having a conversation with the woman (quite possibly about the weekly groceries). Cheers for saying "prog," "evil," and "Primus." :D

Oh yeah the title Rehashed Browns comes from the fact that I wrote that song for my old band ages ago, then reworked it back to my own shit once I left. :Spin:
I thoroughly enjoyed Song of Whale. It filled me with sorrowful emotion and made me ponder, "Why am I such an asshole"?!?!

Weird I know, but that is what I got from it.
This is some good stuff, I remember I never checked it out before 'cause I was on a shitty laptop and wanted some decent speakers to hear this on! I'm glad I waited!
Thanks fuckers.

I put this shit on Myspace because I'm gay.

Actually it's because I'm totally failing at finding a drummer and I figured "hey, why not."

Although yes, I'm still gay.

That shit was established in like 19 aught 2 though.