Any Peavey XXX/NS-2 owners?


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US
I'm having a problem with my NS-2, no matter what fucking setup I put it in, I always end up getting some sort of squeel at the end of a note (when i mute it.) It's been happening since I bought it, and I know I'm doing it right because I used the 'X' pattern as some people like to call it.. The squeel at the end of the note is always quick and load, but fades kind of fast.. Kind of sounds like the ns-2 is cutting it off with decay set on half, but in reality my threshhold is all the way up, and decay's all the way down :erk:

How do ns-2
hmmm thats odd cause on my xxx i have almost the same setting on my ns-2 that you have and it shuts the amp right up even with a tubescreamer on it. but i tried the x pattern before and didnt like it so i just use the ns-2 from my amps input to the guitar and it works out great. id do the x pattern if i had a isp decimator rack. when was the last time you changed the preamp tubes in your amp. i know when any of mine were going bad on any of my amps a noise gate couldn't even shut it up with a loud squeal coming from the amp every time i palm muted.
Have you tried it just in the loop or out front and not 4CM?

I prefer NS-2 (or any noise suppressor) in the loop personally, a lot of people dig out front - though I can't fathom why, I play tight enough to just need to get rid of amp noise myself.
Have you tried it just in the loop or out front and not 4CM?

I prefer NS-2 (or any noise suppressor) in the loop personally, a lot of people dig out front - though I can't fathom why, I play tight enough to just need to get rid of amp noise myself.

Out front makes it like you kill the volume knob between playing - gets rid of 'idle pickup noise,' which is the biggest cause of feedback and hum in the first place.
I totally get that, I just never had a problem with any of those things really though. My issues have always been just with amp noise itself, making it dead quiet (as much as it can be) when I'm not playing, I have used the 4CM before as well and dig that too. Horses for courses yanno.
I only use it in the loop too and basically only at rehearsals. I like getting controlled feedback and that's harder with the gate in front of the amp.
My XXX was always a feedback squeal monster. The only thing that got it to shut up was putting a 12AT7 in V1 and throwing a ISP Decimator on it. I'd blame the amp.
Another XXX & NS-2 user here. Not really had any issues with feedback on my setup to be honest, I just use the NS-2 between the guitar and amp, threshold up between 3 o clock and 5 o clock, decay all the way down.

How much gain are you using? The XXX is an absolute gain monster so having that too high will obviously give you feedback problems. I've changed my preamps tubes to low gain ones to make the amp a bit more flexible, but before I did I rarely had the gain above 9-10 o clock. Any higher than that is just unnecessary imo.
Another XXX & NS-2 user here. Not really had any issues with feedback on my setup to be honest, I just use the NS-2 between the guitar and amp, threshold up between 3 o clock and 5 o clock, decay all the way down.

How much gain are you using? The XXX is an absolute gain monster so having that too high will obviously give you feedback problems. I've changed my preamps tubes to low gain ones to make the amp a bit more flexible, but before I did I rarely had the gain above 9-10 o clock. Any higher than that is just unnecessary imo.

+1, being a fellow XXX owner I know EXACTLY what you mean :lol:

What tubes did you switch to?
I had a similiar problem. But it was guitar->whatever-noise-gate->XXX=feedback and squeal. turned out it was the guitar cause they fucked up the grounding or something like that. Funny thing was that the squeals only appeared with the XXX and not with other amps. Try other guitars with your setup. If they don't squeal, maybe bring it to a guitar-tech. If they squeal too...:zombie:
anyway hope you get rid of the problem soon.
cheers Jan
I put
+1, being a fellow XXX owner I know EXACTLY what you mean :lol:

What tubes did you switch to?

I got JJ ECC82's to put in V2 and V3 (the tubes for the crunch and ultra channels) I've gone from having the gain between 7 o clock-9 o clock, to having it sit around 12 o clock or so. Got way more range to the gain so its easier to fine tune, and the amp can actually pull off some crunchier tones now.
The tubes make the amp sound sliiiiightly less modern, like the mid's are a little different.

I had a similiar problem. But it was guitar->whatever-noise-gate->XXX=feedback and squeal. turned out it was the guitar cause they fucked up the grounding or something like that. Funny thing was that the squeals only appeared with the XXX and not with other amps. Try other guitars with your setup. If they don't squeal, maybe bring it to a guitar-tech. If they squeal too...:zombie:
anyway hope you get rid of the problem soon.
cheers Jan

Yeah thats true it could be down to the pickups you're using, some can be absolute bastards for feedback.
The "X" connection with an NS-2 is tricky. Because it's complicated to have the same threshold settings for your guitar signal and the amplifier's preamp. I think you have to set a lower value for the preamp, which is not enough for the guitar's noise/hum. At least it didn't work for me.