Any Polish Opeth fans?


Destroy your TV
Mar 13, 2002
Rochester, NY
Visit site
Hell, im here visiting in Poland, and i know i saw Some blatantly polish names (pierogi....) in the forum. Know any good spots in any cities to go, like some metal shops, i saw one in krakow, but hell, that was a while ago.
My entire family is Polish...though, I do not speak all to well anymore (forgot most of the language....what a shame, really), though, I really understand it well. My folks usually speak to me in Polish......

Warsaw is a great place to visit....I mean, the palace Kurturie or whatever it's called is quite a sight, as well as all the other architecture over there.

Cheers to all the Polish people here!
You called?

Yeah i've been to one in Krakow, I bought a shirt in a metal shop in Zakopane which was on the main 'High Street' (the one where there's no cars), i'm from katowice and there's a some metal
t-shirts in the main train station, and there's another one near the station can't remember the street but i could give u directions
ah, thats great, im staying in tychy for like 2 months, thats right near katowice. i was actually going to head up there by bus on monday, everythings closed right now, and on sundays so i wont bother today. if you could give directions to the store(s) or just the street names im bound to find them. thanks.
Originally posted by Alcapoth
My entire family is Polish...though, I do not speak all to well anymore (forgot most of the language....what a shame, really), though, I really understand it well. My folks usually speak to me in Polish......

Its really weird how easy it is for kids with 2 polish parents to forget how to speak thats how it is with my friends when they speak with my parents they find it exhausting and they sound really funny. their parents talk to them in polish and they answer in english. for some reason its the opposite with me as i hate talking english to my parents which annoys them as they want to improve their english
Your gonna go by bus so get off at main station: "DW. PKP", when u get off go towards where all the action is/where its most busy (it'll be obvious), the first street you'll get to is "3 maja" with a tram line on it, turn right go down it, you'll get to the rynek, and on the top right there'll be a street called with red brick and no cars called "Staromiejska" the shop will be i an alley way on the left hand side close to the end of the street

another thing u can do is ask some metallers where a good shop is