Any female Opeth followers?

Moonlapse said:
I have to reiterate the point Hypnos has made in the past about a good deal of metal chicks being repulsive, both physically and personality-wise. This is why I preffer my gigs to be sausage-fests. At least if I'm packing up against someone in a moshpit they don't get ideas.

Generalisations are dangerous ;)
nah we're not. he actually made a funny. seriously. *points*

cthulhufan: more 'meow' jokes pls! i forget all the others... CHICKENFUCKER!! :lol:
What is it with me finding similar theads on UM like this tonight? Anyway...

I am a female Opeth fan. I've had metal in my veins for probably longer than some of you have been alive.

I don't feel the need to defend myself here, but I did in fact read this whole thread.

The notion that the majority of female metal fans are in so many words "morons" is ridiculous. We can turn the tables right around on the male metal fans as well.

I have varied tastes in music. I am a classically trained musician, so, you do the math...

I remember seeing another fellow Chi-town poster somewhere on here! Welcome! Always good to see some locals (whether they be male or female).

Carry on.
Being a moron has nothing to do with being male or female haha...I also am one of the (rare?) guys out there who finds many female metal fans to be just as informed and intuitive as most male fans.
ShadowLioness said:
What is it with me finding similar theads on UM like this tonight? Anyway...

I am a female Opeth fan. I've had metal in my veins for probably longer than some of you have been alive.

I don't feel the need to defend myself here, but I did in fact read this whole thread.

The notion that the majority of female metal fans are in so many words "morons" is ridiculous. We can turn the tables right around on the male metal fans as well.

I have varied tastes in music. I am a classically trained musician, so, you do the math...


^ Well hello Miss fancy pants!
Inconium Guard said:
Being a moron has nothing to do with being male or female haha...I also am one of the (rare?) guys out there who finds many female metal fans to be just as informed and intuitive as most male fans.
Precisely. I was referring to the ones that did make negative comments toward the ladies.

Glad you are one of the rare ones. :)
ShadowLioness said:
See there, another one. Haha yep I am also another one that you'll see in jeans and a t-shirt at shows usually.:D

oh good, Im not the only one :D

the boys probably think we are all fugly if we choose to dress like that... not necessarily true :p
Honestly, after my last post, you can be sure of my respect toward women...

However, I just wanted to add, Goth girls can be very attractive, IMO. Just felt like letting everyone know, for some reason? So we don't all find dressing like that "fugly" haha..
Guitarmaster said:
Anyone with logic.

Honestly now ... who gives a shit whether or not Opeth has female followers?

Lonely dudes?

Guitarmaster said:
Also, I gurantee you that the majority of subpar females that consider themselves followers of Opeth and claim to be "metalheads" are from such. They listen to Opeth for the simple fact that some of Mike's work has a faint hint of atmospheric romanticism. They'll listen to Lacuna Coil, Nightwish, or Tristania - bands with a similar taste in hoplessness, depression, and a longing for love in a cold world encumbered in darkness - but I gurantee they do not listen to the more traditional metal such as thrash, power, etc.

I know of few women that listen to Death or Atheist, or Morbid Angel or Coroner, or Megadeth or Judas Preist. Why? The element of love is vacant. So the majority of females that claim to be "metal" ... well, as I said, they are not.

Greetings! I am of the female variety and listen to Opeth, but I haven't posted here before. I have posted in the CoB and Vintersorg forums more often.

As for those ladies who claim to be \m/ but are not: pssh. These are the girls you will most typically see at metal shows with their boyfriends, wearing black vinyl skirts, drinking Smirnoff Ice, making out, and being bored. I happen to really despise these chicks most of the time, because they make us, the actual metalhead women of the world, look bad.

I like Death...and Cynic, Megadeth, Symphony X, Origin, Iron Maiden, Arcturus, Dimmu Borgir, Hypocrisy, Rhapsody (laughter commence), King Diamond...the list goes on and on. In (not-so) short, there are badass metal chicks in the world. Even attractive ones! We're just outnumbered.
This is my first post here, and I must say that I am the most rabid FEMALE Opeth fan you will find. True, I am a metal purist (meaning I only listen to extreme metal) but Opeth is my favorite band of all time, every album, all songs. So yes, there are female Opeth fans out there and if I have anything to do with it, more will come. I already have my sister listening to them (you gotta start with Damnation, then they are grabbed from there).