any chicks going to opeth?

Wow. I never knew that until someone came up to me and said that. Pretty sad. :(. My friend is a garbage man, and he got Hepatitis C...because some cunt didn't dispose of his/her needle properly, so... he was pricked.
Beka1 said: o sangue quente...tinha que pelo menos jogar as minhas moedinhas no topico ao invez de deixar outros falar por mim. Mas, eu terminei...minha boca esta fechada. :) A, de que parte de Sao Paulo voce e? Eu morava em Sao Caetano.
Eu morava na capital, num bairro chamado vila sta. catarina. Mas agora eu tô em jundiaí e fazendo facu em campinas....pé no saco, mas pelo menos vai dar um diploma legal pra eu sumir daqui um dia tb :loco:

EDIT: moved on to msn, for the non-portuguese speakers' delight.
Beka1 said:
So, my friend pointed my attention towards this thread.

1... those two pictures happen to be ones with my one of my eyes because my dog is on it...the other...just for the fuck of it.

2- Attraction is a matter of taste. The men I find attractive are usually considered repulsive by most's all relative.

3- No real metal? Please!!! Just because I don't limit myself to one genre of metal doesn't make me a non-metal head.
While I understand most metalheads' distaste for bands such as As I Lay Dying, God Forbid, Bodom, Trivium, Pain and so on...I can't believe a lover of metal could ever open their mouths (or use their fingers to type) anything that would be contrary to acknowledging the talents of bands such as Kalmah, Amon Amarth, and Behemoth. Whoever posted that first list obviously picked out bands that didn't fit the "TRUE METAL" genre in their opinion. I know more about metal than almost all chics I know...and most men also. It's become my life, in more ways than one.

4- "C. just because she isnt on heavy medication or wielding an axe in a supermarket doesnt mean she isnt crazy. Some photos of her showing off her bra isnt exactly conclusive evidence in her normality."
--What the fuck buddy? So, me showing my bra makes me less sane? I see...

I can understand what some are saying here. A lot of chics that are into metal don't actually know anything about metal at all. And, a great number of them try to fall into this stereotype of "psycho bitch." Also... there are those girls that hide themselves behind make up, and men's clothing. It doesn't necessarily mean that all of us are.
It's pretty interesting how much sexism is in the metal community. A girl likes metal...she either doesn't know any metal at all or she's a dyke, ugly, greasy, and wears shitty make up. Or...if she knows bands...she's probably sucking dick backstage.

Free your minds of stereotype...just live with the fact that some women actually immerse themselves in metal as much as some of you do.

E, sim eu sou Brasileira. Ja falei com voce antes em um desses forums.

well said.
it does get incredibly tedious the vast amounts of sexism inherent in the metal community. i love the music so i just don't care - and frankly if everyone on the opeth forum thought i was ugly, so what? a person is made of more than just looks
BloodyScalpel said:
Eu morava na capital, num bairro chamado vila sta. catarina. Mas agora eu tô em jundiaí e fazendo facu em campinas....pé no saco, mas pelo menos vai dar um diploma legal pra eu sumir daqui um dia tb :loco:

EDIT: moved on to msn, for the non-portuguese speakers' delight.
Bet ya there's nowhere so many chicks love Opeth as in Russia! I had lots of 'em in my fan-club and I can say that most of 'em are so fuckin' ugly... that's the stuff. And such things are with all metal. There's few cute girls who like metal. Lots of headbanger girls are so uhly... bwah!
Bet ya there's nowhere so many chicks love Opeth as in Russia! I had lots of 'em in my fan-club and I can say that most of 'em are so fuckin' ugly... that's the stuff. And such things are with all metal. There's few cute girls who like metal. Lots of headbanger girls are so uhly... bwah!

im really sorry, but trivium is horseshit. you people REALLY need to start raising the bar. not enough time in the day....:erk:

LOL, I LOVE your uppity snobbish attitude. Please keep it up, it makes my day more enjoyable!