How do you pronounce the name Opeth?

^ ?

Carta, that was me amused..i thought you were referring to Mike (Å) being the band.
It depends on the mood, for instance, if I'm feeling dyslexic, I say it like Oteph, if I'm feeling hungry, I say it like pth and if I'm feeling depressed, I say it like Katatopeth. It really depends.

brilliant, i thought it was an ok joke, then the ending hit, hilarious man, kudos haha

i had a girl look at my blackwater park shirt, look me straight in the eye and go, whos opeeth, its pronounced how its spelled haha
so lets get this straight now haha, just for the record, its aw ker feld t

The "Å" is pronounced like a british person would pronounce "awkward", "saw" or "also". May vary between dialects, but it's the best I can come up with. :rolleyes:

I think most people, including the guys in Opeth, or at least Mikael, pronounce Opeth like "own" and "death.

I guess though, considering the circumstances in which the name was come up with, you can pronounce is as you wish. ;)