Any readers here?

Yeah I read shitloads of books - I have just finished an amazing book by the Holland author nicknamed Kluun, but I don't know the English title... I also read lots of fiction, Barker, King, Lovecraft, Koontz - Odd Thomas is one of my biggest favorites.
These days I also happen to like reading about current Czech "history" and politics.
Yeah I read shitloads of books - I have just finished an amazing book by the Holland author nicknamed Kluun, but I don't know the English title... I also read lots of fiction, Barker, King, Lovecraft, Koontz - Odd Thomas is one of my biggest favorites.
These days I also happen to like reading about current Czech "history" and politics.

The only time I have to read is when I'm sitting on the can, takin care of business...

Czech history, Johnny Czech? My current read is "The Seven Weeks' War" published in 1867. Its both light and entertaining. I'm in Volume I, half way through the narration on the Action at Gitschen (Jicin). The battle of Sadowa is covered next!
Frank Herbert: The Dune Saga...including the new ones based on his notes after his death...I'm currently reading The Road To Dune and impatiently awaiting the final trilogy...Hunters of Dune/Sandworms of Dune/Paul of Dune.

Do yerself a favour, Doctor. Stay the fuck away from Brian Herbert's books. They are pale, weedy bullshit written to make a buck off his father's name.

Frank's works were genius. Brian's are garbage!

Also, I flipped through "Road to Dune" and decided its also worthless trash designed to give Brian unearned money.

Frank decided to leave out a lot of material for a very good reason: He didn't want his books cluttered with shit.

And that's what's in "Road to Dune." SHIT that should never have seen the light of day and was wisely left out by the master.

But... "money talks and shit gets printed all the time."

Sue! Any published works? If not, let's still talk.


i guess i should have watched my words.
not my own books [although, i DO write, but most of my work has been with metal fanzines and ezines], but i meant i was READING 4 books, currently.
Do yerself a favour, Doctor. Stay the fuck away from Brian Herbert's books. They are pale, weedy bullshit written to make a buck off his father's name.

Frank's works were genius. Brian's are garbage!

Also, I flipped through "Road to Dune" and decided its also worthless trash designed to give Brian unearned money.

Frank decided to leave out a lot of material for a very good reason: He didn't want his books cluttered with shit.

And that's what's in "Road to Dune." SHIT that should never have seen the light of day and was wisely left out by the master.

But... "money talks and shit gets printed all the time."


hehehe...yeah, I'll agree Road To Dune is drivel...but it does give a few insights into the work and how it evolved. The other releases, though, are based on Frank's original are almost just ghost-written by Brian. Granted, they lack a lot of the richness of Frank's genius...but they still contain valid points...and he fully intended to have books after Chapterhouse...
hehehe...yeah, I'll agree Road To Dune is drivel...but it does give a few insights into the work and how it evolved. The other releases, though, are based on Frank's original are almost just ghost-written by Brian. Granted, they lack a lot of the richness of Frank's genius...but they still contain valid points...and he fully intended to have books after Chapterhouse...

Yeah, well Book 7 was to follow "Chapterhouse" in a linear fashion. I have not learned that Frank intended play with any of this prequel nonsense that his son has chosen to do. Problem with prequels is, we know how the story ends... just like in fuckin Star Wars. And that's why I read "House Atreides" and decided to go completely Fremen on every other "accomplishment" by Brian Herbert.

heheh...They did take a few liberties and used the "fog of history" to explain the discrepancies...but I am anxious to get a copy of Hunters of Dune and Sandworms of Dune (I hate that they serialized everything so you have to buy all the fucking books)...Frank left so much unsaid in Chapterhouse about the Honored Matres and why everyone was so scared of them...I think I'll enjoy those two most of all though because they do follow the linear patter AFTER Chapterhouse and they come from more material that Frank was working on than the prequel stuff...I know he wrote histories that they based the prequel stuff on, but the Hunters and Sandworm books are based on more than just histories...'s a place where trouble could be caused....