any screen captures of dvd?

the beige one i think is the marcus miller signature jazz bass
i got to play one before...the thing is a if i had $1000 when i played it...i would have bought it...
i was marveling at it, miller and martin...then the salesman came up and said, ya like it?i said yeah, he said, well ya wanna try it out?
i said....uh uh yes!
then i had an orgasm...
hey lethal, which amps are they using for the guitars? please god do not tell me they are using those damned marshalls.................
LANEYS! thank god... if they used marshalls i would consider not even buying the dvd at all. btw line6 isnt that bad, especially the vetta amps. I use a line6 "amp", sounds great. Huge step up from the peavey i was using..
suislidE said:
LANEYS! thank god... if they used marshalls i would consider not even buying the dvd at all. btw line6 isnt that bad, especially the vetta amps. I use a line6 "amp", sounds great. Huge step up from the peavey i was using..

About a year ago I got a 5150 - i haven't been happier

line 6 eats shit. :D lol
as mentioned on several threads.. you americans have to be careful buying the 'all region' dvd because although the region might work (ie the dvd player will decode the data), it might be the PAL version you got and so wont work (ie the dvd player will be outputting it in a format your TV cant display).

you really need to wait for an NTSC version.