Any Shiina fans?


love your Crotch
May 11, 2001
Los Angeles
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Does anybody on this board like this Japanese babe, Shiina Ringo, as much as I do? The woman is really freaking talented. She does everything herself. While on the subject of the Japanese scene, is anyone here into Malice Mizer at all? I've really been getting into them recently.
I liked Malice Mizer a while ago. I have no idea what they've done lately, I should find out. Dir en grey is probably my favorite band from there, though.
Malice Mizer broke up about 2 years ago as a result of the death of two members. Very unfortunate. Shiina is still alive and kicking ass. She's pregnant now, and should be working on new material in about 1-2 years.
I love Shiina Ringo. I have to admit, it costs a fortune to import a Japanese cd to USA, so I have burned copies of Muzai Moritoriamu and Shouso Sutorippu, but I am a big fan. Is she really still pregnant? I thought for sure she must have had her baby already. Unless she is on number 2!

Her music is just crazy though. Her voice is a little shrill sometimes, but still great. I don't know why this is in the Opeth forum though! hahaha.

Has she put out another album (other than singles) beyond the ones I mentioned above?
Originally posted by Prophetix
What kinda music do they play anyway?

I guess rock! .. but its crazy rock. :lol: She throws all kinds of random noises and crazy bass-lines in there. Some songs have noticable jazz influences in them. Its my guess that Shiina Ringo wouldn't be your typical Opeth fanatic's cup of tea, but who knows. Couldn't hurt to download some songs.
I don't know. Maybe she's already had her child. The URL of the official Shiina Ringo website is
I suppose it may have been awhile since the site was updated. You can get her stuff at at decent prices, along with lots of other Japanese music, but before you can shop, you'll have to set up an account with the site. It's a good deal.
Originally posted by Kourosh
I don't know. Maybe she's already had her child. The URL of the official Shiina Ringo website is
I suppose it may have been awhile since the site was updated. You can get her stuff at at decent prices, along with lots of other Japanese music, but before you can shop, you'll have to set up an account with the site. It's a good deal.

Yeah, that news flash is from New Years 2001 - I remember reading it a year or so ago. My guess is she is a mother now and retired. J-Pop/Rock stars don't really last a long time these days.