Converting New Fans

saut said:
I haven't gotten anything more than a casual interest in the mellow side of Opeth out of my real life friends. The first time I listened to Damnation with my girlfriend, she said that they were really good, but she's really not into music as much as I am, and I can't fathom a girl like her enjoying extreme metal. She does however, work with a guy who likes Opeth.

Funny story, actually, and I wish it would happen to me. She was at work one day and he came in to pick up his paycheck... with an Opeth hoody on. She goes "COREY! COREY! (or whatever the kid's name is) YOU LISTEN TO OPETH?!" She said that his jaw literally dropped and he said something like "you know that Opeth is a band?!" I mean hell I would get excited if some grungy metalhead knew who Opeth were, but a cute little blonde girl who has no metal in her appearance whatsoever? How often does that happen?

Damn I need some Opeth merchandise to wear so random cute girls approach me about it. That would rock.

haha those stories are the best!

i am by no means a true metalhead. i've been listening to the music since about 4 years. i started out with metallica, listened to no other metal basically. then i joined this 80's metalcoverband and started listening to many other stuff.i still think most metal is mediocre at best, but some bands are just great.

anyway i still dont look like a metalhead. in fact, i look pretty much like a student :)

so one day at work, i had told some of my colleguaes about the gig we had, and was showing them the pictures. one of the supervisors comes along: "Hey antz0r, do you play in a band?" with an interested,happy face. "yes" i tell her. "ah cool! what instrument do you play? guitar?" "no i play bass guitar"
face gets even happier, "what kind of music do you play?"

.... "metal!"

the look on her face when i said that, hahahaa. where she had a happy face an instant before, she now looked liked a 10-ton truck was on a ramming course towards her. "...... uuuuh. oh! uhhhhhhhhh...... nice!"

Yeah. I've been letting myself get ignorant to it over time, as I've generally slid away from caring, but the general consensus out there seems to heavily disfavour metal. I can't stand the ignorance of the general populace when it comes to the genre.
^ hah, yeah. I actually used to disfavor it myself before starting to listen to it. I think what turns most people off is the image associated with bands like Slayer, Ozzy (he turned stupid in the 80's), Slipknot and Marilyn Manson (those last two aren't metal but everyone seems to think they are). Then when these people hear a metal song it's either a wall of sound or something stupid along the lines of Slipknot, so they pretty much discard the genre.

Bit of a funny story when I first got into Opeth I was playing Orchid out loud and my dad said "whoa... what is this music? it's really good", to which I reply "oh.. it's this metal band from Sweden...", and he wouldn't believe me that Opeth was a metal band :)
Yeah, popular music culture has clouded people's preconceptions. Even to the point where they find genuinely good metal to be invalidated simply because of all the utter shit that saturates the airways constantly.
AnTz0r said:
i am by no means a true metalhead. i've been listening to the music since about 4 years. i started out with metallica, listened to no other metal basically. then i joined this 80's metalcoverband and started listening to many other stuff.i still think most metal is mediocre at best, but some bands are just great.

anyway i still dont look like a metalhead. in fact, i look pretty much like a student :)


Pretty same with me. Started with Metallica and their older stuff, when my friend introduced me to their work. So I literally just listened to Kea, RtL, MoP and Ajfa for a month or so. After that I've discovered several good bands Opeth one of them.

Sorry for going off-topic