Any shooters or weapon collecters?


Aug 8, 2001
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I collect Soviet inspired arms, currently I have a Russian SKS and a Russian M44. Next in my lineup is a m91/30 then an ak-47(or akm) or 74. So am I the only one?

I also have a Chinese SKS with 40rnd fixed mag and a S&W .357.
I also have a shotgun my dad gave me recently, Im to lazy to get up and see what it is.
When I get suitable financial stability I plan to collect swords. I've always been fascinated with the craftsmenship of japanese blades, and others.

Maybe cause I played way too many RPGs and read too many science fiction novels, but I think swords are cool!

...My bastard brother got a Katana for Christmas a few years ago. I felt really powerful just holding it and I was fascinated by the blade's beauty. ...A short time later, he lost it. I couldn't believe it. How do you loose a fuckin sword!?

Anyway, I'm ranting. :)
I collect throwing knives, staffs, and daggers. All of which I can use very well. I know how to use swords, but they're damn expensive.
Originally posted by Hearse
Shooting is expensive :)
I like to shoot but I don't have any guns, exepct in my pants.

but my uncle has plenty of guns. So I have had a chance to shoot with many different guns, but lately I haven't shooted anybody..hehe ;)

All the weapons I own besides the .357 shoot surplus ammo. Going to walmart and buying a box of like 20 7.62x39 rounds is like 8 or 15 dollars! Someplaces buying it surplus you can get 500 round case for like $60, And alot have 960 round cases for $100. I went to a gunshow and was able to find 960 rounds of 7.62x39 for $75!! But someplaces also seel surplus ammo for bogus prices. Like my m44, it shoots 7.62x54r, a rather large round, people always comment, i bet that s expensive to shoot! actually its not, 440 rounds for $50.
Since Mass-Infantry attacks where common then, my m44 has a bigass bayonet fixed on it(able to deploy and contract), it looks like a gigantic screw driver. While my Tula 1953 SKS has a bigass blade on it, check these pics out

This is the bayonet of my Chinese SKS(i got the bayo at a gun show, its actually to small for the weapon)



MY M44
my dad and brother were professional marksmen (my father actually being europe champion of 1972) we had a whole bunch of guns and handguns in the house ....however after my dad died my bro gave up and my mom sold all of the weapons :( ....oh well ...this was about 10 years tho..
it's really difficult to get any kind of shooting weaponry here in germany. you have to be in some kind of sports club, the police, a hunter/forester or the military to get the permission to own a weapon. i think but am not sure that 9mm pistols driven with pressured air are the "biggest" you can buy without a special license. i'd like to shoot some bullets at a shooting range...
well in n.ireland gun licences are pretty hard to get hold of, you can get a licence for a shotgun pretty easily but for anything else you have to belong to a shooting club or something and have secured gun cabinets and shit, and then the police have to come to your house and check everything...too much hassle...i had a friend at school though who was really into guns he had loads of 9mm's, automatic shotguns and stuff and i had fun messing about with them i'm more interested in swords and daggers though, i'm gonna start collecting them...
My step-dad has a lot of guns including a cool AK47 with a 30 round banana clip. I never shot it, though. I have always been pretty fascinated with guns, but don't have any other than my pellet gun.

I have a few knives including some pocket knives and a butterfly knife. I want to get a switchblade.

I have thought about owning a lot of guns in the future, but I wouldn't do anything with them. I don't like hunting animals.
Im glad I live in the usa, Im wondering if they take out guns away, if there would be some guerrilla movment or something, heh. I know a lot of people will not be happy if they do take away that freedom.

I dont go hunting, I target shoot, I sorta feel "at-peace" when im looking down iron sights, like i do when im playing my guitar.
ahh yes, the freedom that criminals have to buy guns that can't be detected even with metal detectors is a grand right indeed. :rolleyes:

i worry about people obsessed with guns.

sorry, don't mind me. :p
Originally posted by Lina
ahh yes, the freedom that criminals have to buy guns that can't be detected even with metal detectors is a grand right indeed. :rolleyes:

i worry about people obsessed with guns.

I'm glad to read this. I feel the same way. I wouldn't mind owning a gun for protection, but I would never league a passion with something intrinsically linked with death, destruction, homicide, horror. It's a gruesome hobby at worst; it's childish (imo) at best. Perhaps this is just a sentiment.
I went shooting with my Dad several years ago - the only time I've ever shot a gun. He was in a club for a while. I just wanted to take the mystery out of guns - always read about them, but had never shot them. I shot with his handguns, rifle, and shotgun. Now I don't have any need for guns (although I too have thought of having one for protection). I think because I have kids - I avoided guns.

I have my 3 slingshots though.
I shot skeet with a shotgun once, I was pretty good. I have a paintball gun :D If anyone plays it's a fairly tricked minimag with 68 cu. 4,500 psi nitroduck tank, I love playing paintball and tweaking my gun, but I hardly get to play anymore :cry:
Note: Paintball isn't some military simulation it's just another sport, don't picture me crawling in a trench with facepaint on and using duckcalls to distract my enemies.
Originally posted by Lina
ahh yes, the freedom that criminals have to buy guns that can't be detected even with metal detectors is a grand right indeed. :rolleyes:

i worry about people obsessed with guns.

sorry, don't mind me. :p

What weapon cant be detected with a metal detecter? Please, give me proof of this! You may be talking about a Glock since its made mostly out of plastic but the bolt is a much more denser metal so its stands out even more.

And buying a gun you have to sign a lot of papers and get a history check for criminal activity in your past.


It's a gruesome hobby at worst; it's childish (imo) at best

Shooting is like any other sports, just it takes skill. Its challenges and exciting, with my mosin when im shooting, I breath im calm, Im aming at my target, I slowely pull the trigger, the BOOM! im blown back and my round gets sent down-range at the paper target. Then im excited to look into my spotter scope and check how I did, the whole thing is exciting.
I agree with Juggie, Lina and Evil have a good point though. Sometimes it is better to take something away for the people who enjoy it, to prevent the idiots from abusing it. Although I don't really know how hard a gun would be to get a hold of if they made the laws more like in Germany. If the laws were more strict and Cletus was mad at his cousin for cheatin on his mom and in a fit of rage took the shotgun out from under his bed and shot her, that could be prevented (although he could use a knife..) with more strict laws. Also, children finding their parents gun and shooting theirselves could be prevented. I know shooting is a valid hobby and I think I would probably enjoy it as well, but stupid people can ruin good things. They have ceramic weapons that can't be detected with a metal detector, they are like 10,000's of dollars and the thing wears out after a few clips get shot through it, I read it in a Dean Koontz book.
I forgot that I have a paintball gun, also. I haven't played in a long time, but I enjoyed it when I did play. It was a fun thing to do with some guys from my school every now and then and kept us from getting in trouble. It got very intense sometimes. I need to sell my paintball gun and accessories because I haven't played in almost 2 years and have no need for it anymore.