Any Swedish ppl help plz?


Gr1m R34p0r
Aug 13, 2005
I really wanna know how to say:

''Hey, you should really listen to In Flames instead of that shitty punk music''

Or something like that/similar....can some swede please spell this, and then add or write down the way to pronounce it?

For those of u wonderin: I have this swedish friend who listens to shitty punk and I wanna get him to listen to In Flames.

Lithium said:
For those of u wonderin: I have this swedish friend who listens to shitty punk and I wanna get him to listen to In Flames.


i would never gess that :Smug:
^ Hah hah... if you want I can get my girlfriend to translate that for you... I'm not good enough at Swedish to do that yet... if you don't have an answer by the time I see her later today i'll help you out... but I know your friend speaks English so why not just say it?
Lithium said:
I really wanna know how to say:

''Hey, you should really listen to In Flames instead of that shitty punk music''

Or something like that/similar....can some swede please spell this, and then add or write down the way to pronounce it?

For those of u wonderin: I have this swedish friend who listens to shitty punk and I wanna get him to listen to In Flames.


My my, at waterloo napoleon did surrender
Oh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way
The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itself.

Welcome to your nightmaaaarrreee, you just can't walk away,
It's time for you to choose your fate, you just can't let it lay.

Gotta love that song:headbang:
TheSeldomlaid said:
"Hej, din jävla punkare! Lyssna på In Flames, det är bättre!"

Or something :p

Yeah that sounds about right.. Dunno how to pronounce the shit though =/
Bloody scalpel.. wtf are you talking about:D haha.. yeah..

"Hej, din jävla punkare! Lyssna på In Flames, det är bättre!"

Heey, din as in dinner.. jävla( ä as in the a in ass:D).. aah.. this is going to take for ever:D hahahah

Jevvla damp