Any thoughts on Catamenia?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I picked up one of their CD's (Eskhata) really cheap a few weeks back - bought it blind. Very obviously melodic black/viking metal from what I can make out, and I like it in a fun way - not much depth to it really, but it has its moments. In other words, it's growing on me. :)


Anyone else come across them - they have at least 5 albums out from what I can tell....

n : the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause; [syn: menstruation, menses, period, flow]
phyre said:
n : the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause; [syn: menstruation, menses, period, flow]

That is pretty pathetic. Anyway, what's in a name eh? what about the muzak?

looking for info on Catamenia vinyl releases. Their site and label don't mention anything. Thanks
I loathe this band.


Awesome thread though. :lol:

Edit: Who was the band that was supposed to tour the US with Catamenia a few years ago that when the tour went all fucked over we got really pissed because most of us like that band?

Edit2: Oh it was Ancient Rites. And I guess I was the only who was pissed. Oh well. They did end up coming last year and I fucking missed them because I'm a stubborn asshole. Awesome.
Hey, since when do you post here?

edit: i'm guessing since theres a Catamenia thread :lol:

they were pretty good live, i expected worse to be honest