Any tips for programming a decent blast beat?


Apr 21, 2014
Montreal, Canada
Anyone here being successful at using plugins to program black metal style blast beat? (different than At the Gates slower blast beats).

I use SD2 with some added Seraphin layers on kick and snare and I've never liked the result... It sounds more annoying than "heavy"..

Seems to me like it either comes from the fast cymbal being annoying or the snare... For the cymbals, I think it's the repetitive identical sound at each hit that makes it annoying.

For the snare I already have samples on a round Robin so it does change at each hit, but perhaps it's because the velocity is too high?

Anyway, anybody who has some advice and went through that headache can probably help me.
I always use medium velocities for my blasts, and set the sample pool to 20. I will setup a blast, and then cycle through snares, changing the velocity to find a snare that sounds good as a base for my blast, the layer another that compliments it. Depending on the need, I may use the 2nd sample for only lower velocity blasts (1-100ish velocity), the a third snare sample for the heavier hits, so that the main snare is being complimented by a snare in its forte. I find snares that sound great for blasting sound small for a heavy hit, and great sounding heavy hit snares will sound too big when blasting. This happens in avatar, metal foundry, metal machine and made of metal.

Does that make sense?
I always use medium velocities for my blasts, and set the sample pool to 20. I will setup a blast, and then cycle through snares, changing the velocity to find a snare that sounds good as a base for my blast, the layer another that compliments it. Depending on the need, I may use the 2nd sample for only lower velocity blasts (1-100ish velocity), the a third snare sample for the heavier hits, so that the main snare is being complimented by a snare in its forte. I find snares that sound great for blasting sound small for a heavy hit, and great sounding heavy hit snares will sound too big when blasting. This happens in avatar, metal foundry, metal machine and made of metal.

Does that make sense?

Yes, I think I understand what you say, or at least most of it, and yes it does make sense.

However, I am not extra knowledgable on SD2 and samples, so I'm not sure I get it when you say "set the sample pool to 20". How do you do that? Is this a setting in SD2?

As for my layers, I use ReaSamplomatic5000 that comes with Reaper to trigger the Seraph samples. I think what I have is the Maggot Snare pack, which has something like 4 heavy, 4 high, 4 medium, 4 low hits. Something like that...

It's true that, this snare seems nice for heavy hits, but pheraps I could investigate and get another one that would fit blast beats a bit more.

Thanks for your advice.
Blast beats need more than 3-5 velocities for snare to sound realistic (in my opinion). But you can try to adjust that "Min vol" to min, it can help to make it sound like there's more samples than really is.

Kick sounds a lot better/realistic, if you have samples for L and R. It really makes a difference.

Hat needs a lot of velocities, and 2 or more layers (RR). Actually all cymbals need at least 2 layers to sound good at fast playing.

Velocity can't be just 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100..........And L hand/foot is usually weaker. Try something like 100, 92, 97, 90.....For example.
And then just copy/paste that pattern. After that, you can use small amount of humanization for everything.

.....If I remember, I try to add some midi blast beats to dropbox tomorrow.
I would suggest cutting up the midi packs that come with you SD2 libraries. I created "profiles" of Dirk Verburen and Gene Hoglan in FL through the quantize function.
Also, I have found that if I am layering snares. I will only do multisamples if I am in the same package in SD2. Anything else, I will turn off random, then drag the sample pool number around until I find one I like (the sample pool number becomes the 1 shot sample choice from what I understand). I will try to create a badic sd2 file to upload for you tonight to show you what I am doing. What packs do you have?
Also, I have found that if I am layering snares. I will only do multisamples if I am in the same package in SD2. Anything else, I will turn off random, then drag the sample pool number around until I find one I like (the sample pool number becomes the 1 shot sample choice from what I understand). I will try to create a badic sd2 file to upload for you tonight to show you what I am doing. What packs do you have?
That'd be real nice of you. I only have the Metal Foundry and the standard NY Avatar.

Tbh I tend to prefer NY Avatar..!
Here is a quick add of snares with Metal Foundry, with Avatar pieces. I don't have a screencapture, so I will just walk you through manually.

On the "Construct" screen
Right click the main snare, and look at the "Voices and Layers". I have the "gradient" (middle hit layers) set to 20, voice limit to 99. This will be the across the board on any snare that is used for middle velocity layers (blasts in this case)
The kicks are the same, except for the avatar kick (1st pad on the right). I have random turned off, and "hard" set to "5", which since Random is off, is only triggering the "hard" kick sample labeled as 5 in the engine

On the "Mapping" screen
Click on "Midi Nodes" on the right, then right click "MidiNode2"
Below that is the "Members" screen. All of these will be triggered on D(3? D1 on the SD2 keyboardI don't remember how the math goes)
I have the "main" snare set for center hit 0-127, so it will be triggered across all ranges, I have the "edge" set from 0-100, so it will only be hit during blasts or lower velocity rolls/ghost notes, etc, and the "rimshot" set for 100-127. The same idea carrier to snare 2 (X3) which is the blast supplement snare. Snare 3 (x2) is the hard hit snare, which I always use the GMS Hasch Maple sample because of the ring. It will only be hit during 100-127 velocities, so hard or very heavy handed doubles (I like to leave a little bit of room for dynamics if the fill isn't supposed to simulate a double-stroke roll).

This was put together without any EQ or mixing, and the snare sounds will come together more when you mess with compression, specifically the Hasch Maple. I always set this for stupid fast compression to get rid of it's transient, but leave the body and ring in, so it will "tuck" underneath the main sample and the transitions between layer cross over will be less evident.

This is pretty much how I setup something specific to Death/Black metal, since there won't be much variation between blast and the standard hit. If you are working with something where the snare is being much more used, and you need better control over the dynamics than setting velocity layers will do, then I would suggest setting all drum samples 0-127, printing the tracks to .wav, and controlling the volume of each snare via volume automation. I generally only leave rimshots at higher velocity, since they can sound gross at lower volumes (almost pending the snare out of tune, especially with multiple layers) and most drummers won't rimshot if they are doing intricate work (ghost notes, or whatever).


And the "Voices And Layers" will help with some of the cymbal wash, specifically the ride. Depending on how washy the ride I pick is, I may take the voice layer down to 2 on it, but roll it around until it sounds clear without sounding "fake", but set the sample pool on the Gradient up to 20-30.
And the "Voices And Layers" will help with some of the cymbal wash, specifically the ride. Depending on how washy the ride I pick is, I may take the voice layer down to 2 on it, but roll it around until it sounds clear without sounding "fake", but set the sample pool on the Gradient up to 20-30.

Thanks for taking the time to do that. I have started playing with it this weekend, however haven't had much free time sadly..

I'll keep working on it!

Thanks again, I appreciate the help.