Id like to start off by saying thanks guys, this is exactly what I was looking for. I have written a pretty badass EP using a BOSS DR-3, which served me well, but no matter how hard I tried the drums still sound automated, and I have always struggled with note placement. In my ignorance I programmed blast beats it in what that dude called the gay way which in 32 note measure was:
-and for the record sounds brutal as fuck in short doses, but in an eight measure structure, sounds pretty robotic. I fit the symbols to the riff or offset them to mix it up a little. My brain seems to sync up with the snare so I almost always have to start the measure with the snare for my riffs to fit, but thats probably just a conditioned response honestly. The fastest blast beat I used is 138bpm, and no matter how hard I tried, it sounds automated.
Now I have REAPER, EZ DRUMMER, ADDICTIVE DRUMS DEMO, which are all reasonably priced and compared to every drum program and drum machine (except maybe BFDs) EZ drummer symbols are like night and day (they sustain and don't mute out which pissed me off). Ive tried programming the song in REAPER, duplicating the track and disabling the EZ Drummer bass drum and enabling the Sonar which comes with the free Addictive drums demo. Im going to follow the aforementioned advice and try using the suffobeats and humanize it. Ez drummer has a humanize function, but Im not sure if it follows an algorithm, because when I cut and paste midi sections sometimes I notice the snare hit hard in the same position, like the riff at the beginning has the same spots as the end riff. Its not that noticeable, but little things you know. To humanize it manually I doubled the tempo of every measure I programmed into Boss DR3. For instance instead of blast beating 138bpm I use 276. With the Reaper midi editor I am able to divide each section up to 128 notes per measure I if I remember right. I can manually slide each note over a hair because at that speed, humans are going to be off by a cunt hair, thats all there is to it. Also by doubling the tempo, I believe I have tightened the area where I can place notes, making note placement fucking surgical dude.
I'm going to redo some pieces of my work and follow your advise guys, again, thanks