Any vocalists think you can pull this off?


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Ok, so as some of you may know im gathering everything/one together for my upcoming EP im working on now. I can't sing for toffee so I have to rely on others like Greg *Uladyne :kickass:*

However I have 2 songs that need a softer touch, a more clean/melodic style voice. This being the first of them, dispite the heavy track itself I dig the guy who tracked these 3 years ago's vocals, I like his mature tone. However he hadn't sang in 20 years so he didn't keep his tuning very well throughout the track. Alas! Its a good base for all the melodies to show somebody else for the re-recording.

So if you think you or somebody you know could do this track justice please get in touch! This will be going on the finished EP if your voice suits!

Ive chopped some parts of the track just to give you an idea of what im looking for...and yes its wayyy too loud and clipping to fuck but its all I have *I was a noob when I recorded this* so its just a reference.

Thanks guys!

I've got the mic and pre-amp set up, so depending on the weather, I'll be recording sum vocals this weekend! Hope the weather is not too nice, because in that case my studio's more like a sauna... ;-)