Anybody been to Key West?


Sep 21, 2004
Just wondering. Was just down there for four days over the weekend and had a blast as usual. Been there a few times. Non-stop drinking, eating and partying. Gotta love it. Anyway we stopped in a new place this time caled "Irish Kevins" and there was a guy called Matt Avery performing at night. This was one of the best entertainers I have ever seen on stage. He's known as the the king of hair rock and used to be in a band back in the day. He even did guitar for 'Tiffany" back then. So, he knows something like 4000 songs including a bunch of hair band tunes as well as classic rock. You name it he could probaly play it. If not he will make it up as he goes. We spent about 3 1/2 hours watching this guy and he was still going when we left around 2 AM. He never took a break (except to chug a beer or do a shot) and I bet he sang over 100 songs in that time. Great, Great show. Anyone going down there make sure you check him out. :worship:

Here's a link to his website. Maybe some of you remember this band he was in because I don't.
tedvanfrehley said:
LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE key west. Went there Spring Break 1993 and had a blast. whew!
Weren't you the guy that was giving me felacio on the balcony of the Hilton?
That was the worst blow job I have ever recieved! You're lucky you slipped me the roofies, otherwise I would kicked your ass!
I've been, it's a beautiful place, but it was with my parents, and I'm an only child, so it was quite boring