Anybody got an experience with Soldano 4x12's?


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
Seen one advertised recently, and I'm thinking of picking it up, but I have absolutely nothing to go on in terms of their sound. I'm just shopping around as I'm not happy with my current set up and it happened to pop up and be in my price range.

Can anybody offer an opinion from experience?

EDIT: Woops, typo in the title. Any*
My only experience with them is through Redwirez impulses which ofcourse isn't the whole truth. Anyways the impulses were not my favorite ones, they sound throaty like Engl cabs. I can make a clip for you if you're interested.
Dimension wise they're a bit smaller than even a Marshall cab, IIRC. Would be pretty focused but not have as big a bottom end; could be cool with the right amp, though. As always, YMMV.

For the record, judging cabinets based on impulses is kind of like judging how good a girl is in bed based on jerking off to her.
that's quite possibly the best analogy ever.

But yeah that's what I had heard, they're somewhat smaller. I'm guessing they would match nicely with any incarnation of 5150 series amp though? Given the woof that they throw out! They always seem to make a cab 'move' so much more than other amps where low end punch is concerned.
AFAIK the Soldano cabinets are loaded with Eminence Legends. They are probably the best sounding of the Eminence speaker line, but for some reason, they never resonate with me (har har har). I do not have experience with the Soldano cabinets, so I can not give you a 100% valid answer, but if you're a Celestion fan, I say stick with them.
Thanks for the input Greg! The one I have my eye on is loaded with V30's, and has a removable grill. It's at a great price, I'm just finding excuses to be talked out of it :lol: I just don't have enough to go on to bite the bullet.
My experience with the Soldano 4x12 is that it sounded really smooth and somewhat mellow compared to a Marshall or Mesa with Vintage 30s. If your amp is on the bright side it could be just the ticket.
Found the few I've played with rather wooly and woofy sounding. More on the vintage side of low end, not what I'd call tight and focused. Very smooth though.
AFAIK the Soldano cabinets are loaded with Eminence Legends. They are probably the best sounding of the Eminence speaker line, but for some reason, they never resonate with me (har har har). I do not have experience with the Soldano cabinets, so I can not give you a 100% valid answer, but if you're a Celestion fan, I say stick with them.

Sorry Greg but Legends aren't the best sounding Eminence speaker line. For rock stuff the Red Coat line is probably the best while the Patriot is best suited for cleaner, jazzy stuff. I already had some V128 and a GB-whatever and IMO both fart too easily and are somewhat fizzy even on the room for heavy distorted tones. I already had experiences with Red Coat's Governor and Wizard and both are AWESOME speakers (even despite being somewhat harder to mic than Celestions). IMO the Legends are OK up to mildly saturated tones Just my 2c :)